Who we are
Osnabr¨¹ck University of Applied Sciences
Health Informatics Research Group

The University of Applied Sciences Osnabr¨¹ck (ÐÂÀÏ»¢»úƽ̨,×îÐÂÀÏ»¢»ú Osnabr¨¹ck, HSO) was founded in 1970 and is the largest of its kind in Lower Saxony, Germany. There are almost 14,000 students and about 1,200 employees of whom there are 360 professors of four Departments (Agriculture Science, Business Management and Social Sciences, Computer Sciences and Engineering, and Management and Technology) and one Institute (Music). ÐÂÀÏ»¢»úƽ̨,×îÐÂÀÏ»¢»ú Osnabr¨¹ck is located in two sites in the western part of Lower Saxony, Germany, i.e. in Osnabr¨¹ck and Lingen. In 2015, ÐÂÀÏ»¢»úƽ̨,×îÐÂÀÏ»¢»ú Osnabr¨¹ck and Osnabr¨¹ck University established the Healthcare Campus Osnabr¨¹ck, and organisational entity that brings togehter all researchers and lecturers of both institutions who are working in the field of healthcare.
The Health Informatics Research Group is one of leading research units in the Department of Business Management and Social Sciences. It was founded 20 years ago and now consists of 13 research fellows and scholars wirth different backgrounds and several research students. The Head of unit is Professor Ursula H¨¹bner. The Health Informatics Research Group focuses on IT supported information continuity and clinical information logistics both within organisations and across organisations. HL7 standards such as CDA eNursing summary, a procedural model of building consensus for IT standards, regular IT benchmarks in German, Austrian and Swiss hospitals on IT process support belong to the sustainable research outputs in this field. Furthermore, a cognitive model to aid electronic patient handovers was conceptualised, implemented andd evaluated. The Health Informatics Research Group collaborates with the Centre for Multimedia and IT Applications (ZeMIT) with regard to eLearning and blended learning technologies, media and didactics. ZeMIT is a central service unit of the Department of Business Management and Social Sciences and also lead by Professor Ursula H¨¹bner. Research and teaching are closely intertwined and there are several research projects that focus on digital education in healthcare in the context of continuing lifelong learning of healthcare professionals? competencies.
Osnabr¨¹ck University
New Public Health Research Group

Osnabr¨¹ck University, founded in 1974, is a young, vibrant university in northwest Germany that is renowned for its research and teaching in the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Law and Business Administration/Economics. The University provides ideal conditions for abouts 14,000 students and PhD students to learn and conduct research. Both its structured PhD programs feature high standards of quality; they are accredited, and lead ti the conferral of internationally recognized degrees. One feature of Osnabr¨¹ck University is the extent to which it combindes different scientific disciplines in research and teaching. Thinking beyond the borders of individual fields of expertise is fostered in the interdisciplinary institutions of Migration Research, Cognitive Science, Early Modern Intercultural Studies and Environmental Systems Research. Researchers at Osnabr¨¹ck University regularly apply successfully for both national and European funding in research and for higher education programs. Numerous cooperative activities with commercial enterprises and institutions enable research and students to gain practical experience at an early stage. Osnabr¨¹ck University is highly committed to pursuing its goal of enhancing international understanding and cooperation. The University attaches great importance to its relationship with international universities.
The New Public Health Research Group has a strong impact on the research activities at the Osnabr¨¹ck University in the field of prevention, health care and education of health professionals as well as on teacher training. It was founded in 2011 and since then the department has been grown substantially. In total 10 research associates are involved in innovative research projects as well as in teaching in different educational settings. The team is multi-professional and encompass health, social and educational sciences. Head of unit is Professor Birgit Babitsch. The New Public Health Research Group focuses on different aspects of heath care and prevention. In all projects, inequality as a cross-sectional perspective is addressed. The department is futher strongly involved in the implementation of the GesundheitsCampus Osnabr¨¹ck. Collaboration with national and international partners characterise the research and teaching activities of the research group.
University of Eastern Finland
Research Group of Health and Human Service Informatics (HHSI)

The University of Joensuu and Kuopio merged to constitute the University of Eastern Findland, effective from 1 January 2010. The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is an international and multidisciplinary university with a firm status among the leading universities in Finland. The university operates on two campuses: in Joensuu and Kuopio, and it includes four faculties: Philosophical Faculty (Joensuu), Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies (Joensuu and Kuopio), independent institutes and service centres and joint central administration. UEF has altogether appoximately 15,500 students and 2,500 staff members.
The research group of Health and Human Services Informatics (HHSI) is participating in this application. The master?s prgramme of HHSI is the only master?s programme of its kind in Finland. The aim is to produce professionals and researchers in information systems and management for the needs of social health care. The curriculum of HHSI is based on IMIA Recommendations on Education in Health and Medical Informatics (Mantas et al. 2010). Informations and communication technologies are widely used in teaching and this makes possible to offer also distance education. HHSI programme is the first master?s degree programme in the world to be certified by the IMIA.
Website of the Research of Health and Human Service Informatics (HHSI)
University of Porto
Centre for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS)

Founded in 1911, UPORTO is one of the largest higher education and research institutes in Portugal with 31,309 students (19% international, including mobility), 2,436 academics & researchers and 1,576 administrative staff. It has 14 Faculties, 1 Business Schiool and 60 Research Units located in 3 campuses within Porto. UPORTO has been consolidating its social responsibility through the promotion of volunteering projects, the intensification of the interaction with several local/regional associations in the organisation of cultural, social and artistic activities. As a truely international University, with 5,918 international students from around 100 nationalities, internationalisation is one of UPORTO?s strategic pillars and objectives, allowing the development of existing alliances, as well as the establishment of innovative cooperation actions with institutions all over the world. UPORTO definitely opened its doors to the world, in recent years, having coordinated and being involved in several projects, namely ERASMUS+ (International Credit Mobility, Joint Masters Degrees, Capacity Building, Strategic Partnerships) and Erasmus Mundus projects, which togehter represented a direct management by UPORTO of roughly €58M and have greatly contributed to reinforce its internationalisation process and generated new cooperation opportunities with more than 100 countries.
The Centre for Health and Technology and Service Research (CINTESIS) is a non-profit research and development unit, recognized and supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT). CINTESIS is currently hosted fy FMUP and is located in the recently inaugurated Medical Research Centre in Porto. It relies in a decentralised and flexible management structure involving about 520 researchers, of which, over 250 are PhD integrated members.The Uni relies on a high flexible and dynamic management structure, supported by administrative and technical staff from 45 institutions from all Portuguese regions (29 HEI, 12 hospitals/healthcare institutions, 5 heath companies), protocolled with the Unit, including 8 local management poles and 5 universities (UPorto, UAveiro, NOVA, UAlgarve, UMadeira) and 1 polytechnic (Nursing School of Porto - ESEP). ESEP is a public institution of higher education, is nationally and internationally recognized for the excellence in teaching and training nursing professionals, and for the creation and diffusion of culture, knowledge and science, through the articulation of study, teaching and research.
Website of the Centre for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS)