Diversity Discourses
Current events
[Please note: All events are in German. If you need assistance with translation, please contact us via vd@hs-osnabrueck.de.]
The second discussion round will take place on Wednesday, 22.01.2025, from 2pm to 4pm. Together with Prof. Dr. Vassilis Tsianos (Professor of Sociological Foundations of Childhood Education at Kiel University of Applied Sciences and Chair of the Board of the Council for Migration e. V.), Prof. Dr. Simon Goebel (Professor of Social Work and Diversity at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences), Fabio Ghelli (Mediendienst Integration) and Vera Hanewinkel (research assistant at the University of Osnabrück in the project focus Migration for science communication), we will discuss current challenges, needs and solutions in science communication and (critical) policy support/advice in the field of migration.
You can access the event via this link:
Meeting-ID: 976 8979 0795
Code: 426911
We look forward to seeing you!
[Please note: All events are in German. If you need assistance with translation, please contact us via vd@hs-osnabrueck.de.]
In the third discussion round on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 12-14 p.m., we will talk to experts about current challenges, needs and solutions in the scientific community and the resulting scientific communication in the field of diversity. Further details on the event will follow shortly.
You can access the event via this link:
Meeting-ID: 999 8506 3380
Code: 332310
We look forward to seeing you!
[Please note: All events are in German. If you need assistance with translation, please contact us via vd@hs-osnabrueck.de.]
In the workshop on Tuesday, 25.03.2025, from 12.30-14.30, Prof. Dr. Petia Genkova will present the Cult_Euro_1, a test for measuring intercultural competence, in a practical way based on some impressive examples. The event will be enriched by reports from Detlev Blenk (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager) on intercultural cooperation at IKEA Germany.
You can access the event via this link:
Meeting-ID: 916 8657 0276
Kennwort: 424798
We look forward to seeing you!
Previous events
On November 29, 2024, international experts reported on their research interests and findings in an online conference. These included:
- Exploring the potential of diversity for promoting social collaboration and innovation: Insights from the study of team faultlines
- Knowledge and Skills Development for Implementing the Industry 5.0 Concept
- To experience Bulgaria as a tourist destination - the advantage of being small but diverse
- Whitening Diversity: The Evanescence of Race in French and EU Diversity Politics
- Assessing the attributes of social and emotional managerial competence in terms of gender and age of entrepreneurs
- Migrationsprozesse und -treiber: Entscheidungsfindung, Politiken und Entwicklungsresultate
- Addressing and assessing the main challenges of diversity and inclusion in postmodern organizations. A systemic and integrated model
- Diverse meanings of diversity: from social justice to profit
We are pleased to be able to make this variety of topics and perspectives accessible to a public audience. Details of the event can be found on the Fair Future project website.
Around 25 participants came together online for the online discussion “AI for all: Rethinking science communication - focusing on interculturality, migration and gender” to find out more about artificial intelligence and its connection to discrimination. The three experts Angelica Lermann Henestrosa (psychologist and doctoral candidate at the Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien in Tübingen), Katharina Mosene (political scientist, working at the Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung │ Hans-Bredow-Institut in Hamburg) and Heiner Coors (political scientist and political educator, working at the Nieders?chsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung) examined the topic from a psychological and political science perspective and on a systemic and individual level. In the subsequent open exchange, the participants were able to ask the experts individual questions.
The discussion was opened by a brief input on theoretical foundations and the Diversity Discourses project (in German). The recording of the discussion is available on Youtube (also in German).
The Diversity Discourse team hosted the digital kick-off event on October 29, 2024. Together with PD Dr. Merle We?el, current challenges and solutions for science communication in the field of diversity were discussed. In this context, particular attention was paid to considerations regarding the responsibility of public institutions. Around 80 participants from academia and practice engaged in an exchange and ensured a successful start to the project.
For all those who were not able to attend but are interested in the content, the presentations by Dr.in Lisa Tometten and PD Dr.in Merle We?el are available for download (in German), as is the recording of the two lectures (on Youtube, also in German).
We look forward to further and intensive exchange at the upcoming events!
Public outreach & awareness
As part of the seminar “Diversity Management and Digitalization”, students on the Bachelor's degree course in Business Psychology developed awareness activities that they carried out and recorded on campus. Some of the resulting videos will be published on the Instagram channel of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences during a diversity month in January 2025.
The videos were based on scientific findings researched by the students. With the help of basic information on science communication and social media contributions, storyboards were created in order to be able to shoot the videos afterwards. The students dealt with important aspects of diversity and the workplace:
- Leadership and organization in change
- Migration and the workplace
- Women in leadership positions and the gender pay gap
- Cultural diversity in the workplace
- Work-life balance
- Changing family structures
- Digital communication and permanent availability
- Organization of work time
- Health consequences of changing working conditions and requirements
- Communication in change
- Influence of digital media and social networks on everyday life
- Digitalization and artificial intelligence
- Queerness (sexual orientation/gender identity) and work
- Age and work
- Disability and inclusion

In January 2025, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences is sharing important information about diversity and (anti-)discrimination on its Instagram channel.
Other material
The Cult Euro 1 Test has been nominated for the prestigious 2025 Validation Award from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This award recognizes projects within the "Validation of the Technological and Societal Innovation Potential of Scientific Research (VIP+)" program that excel in translating research results into impactful applications. In the recently published list of all nominated projects, interested readers can take a look at the impressive projects.
The fully digital test Cult Euro 1 enables a quick diagnosis of intercultural competence and provides companies, public authorities, and researchers with customized, scientifically sound results. The nomination – next to very important technical and medical projects – for the 2025 Validation Award highlights the innovative strength and societal value of this project.
Further information on the test can be found on the Cult Euro 1 project website!