International Business and Management (M.A.)

How to apply

Application Period

There are two application periods for the Master of International Business and Management at Osnabrück University of Applied Science:

  • Non EU citizen from February 1 until April 15 (This application deadline also applies to non-EU applicants who have studied at a German university or a university in an EU country.)
  • EU citizen from May 1 until July 15

Application must ONLY be submitted at the  online application portal of the university. Hardcopies are not required.


Admission requirements

The mandatory requirements for admission to the Master program International Business and Management are:


In addition to the central criteria mentioned above, we will evaluate other aspects such as professional experience, internships, scholarships, exchange semesters or extracurricular and social activities in the selection process. Commitments and activities outside of your studies will only be considered if you can provide appropriate proof.

How does the online application work?

After creating an account in our  online application portal, you will receive your access data by e-mail and will need to change your password. Then start your application by selecting the Master's program International Business and Management and filling in all the required information. Please have your application documents ready and upload them as one pdf file (maximum size 50 MB) via the portal. You can save your data at any time during the application process and continue, change or correct it at a later date. No changes can be made after the application has been sent.

* Your application documents will be kept for a maximum period of 18 months and deleted afterwards from our system.

Please note, letters of admission/ notifications of rejection are forwarded by the Student Admission Office in May for the Non EU applicants and by end of July for the EU applicants. In case of admission, you will be asked to show your original or certified documents.

Any questions or still need assistance, please get in touch with MIBM-Team. We look forward to your interest in our master?s programme!