Consulting Case Studies
- Fakult?t
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Version
Version 3.0 vom 02.05.2019
- Modulkennung
- Modulname (englisch)
Consulting Case Studies
- Studieng?nge mit diesem Modul
- Business Management (M.A.)
- International Business and Management (Master) (M.A.)
- Controlling und Finanzen (M.A.)
- Niveaustufe
- Kurzbeschreibung
In this lecture approximately 5-6 comprehensive cases are solved in changing teams during the semester. All teams shall present their case solutions in class. Before each case study some of the theoretical basis needed for the case is taught/repeated in a lecture and then needs to be rehearsed and broadened by the teams in own literature and case related research.
- Lehrinhalte
- All case studies cover
- 1. Range of tasks / fields of application of management consultancy
- 2. Problem-solving methods of management consultancy
- 3. Management and supervision of strategy and consulting projects
- 4. Selection between strategic options and their consequences
- Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzziele
Students learn about consulting procedures of external consultancy firms and inhouse consulting teams.
The relevant procedures and methods from the fields of strategic management, marketing and the accompanying support from controlling and finance are learnt on the basis of case study examples, and the possible ways to apply them are assessed.
Students have deepened the knowledge how to approach and successfully solve cases.
K?nnen - instrumentale Kompetenz
Students learn how to reduce complex business situations to a minimal number of decisive problems which need to be solved.
Students are able to apply relevant methods for problem solving.
K?nnen - kommunikative Kompetenz
Students are able to reasonably argue and justify their standpoint in a cooperative and team oriented way.
K?nnen - systemische Kompetenz
Students can transfer the learned approaches to various business situations.
- Lehr-/Lernmethoden
Lectures, exercises, literature research, case studies
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
Management tools and concepts, Modules 1 and 2 from the consulting specialization, fundamental knowledge of controlling and finances
- Modulpromotor
Frie, Jan
- Lehrende
- Halstrup, Dominik
- Hofmann, Kay Hendrik
- Frie, Jan
- Kaur-Lahrmann, Ravinder
- Leistungspunkte
- Lehr-/Lernkonzept
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 38 Vorlesungen und Fallstudiendiskussion Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 27 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 27 Bearbeitung von Fallstudien 28 Literaturrecheche 30 Prüfungsvorbereitung
- Literatur
Lectures, literature and case study related research, case studies, will be provided during the course
- Prüfungsleistung
Portfolio Prüfung
- Bemerkung zur Prüfungsform
Die Portfolio-Prüfung umfasst 100 Punkte und besteht aus einem Referat (50 Punkte) und einer einstündigen Klausur (50 Punkte).
- Dauer
1 Semester
- Angebotsfrequenz
Nur Wintersemester
- Lehrsprache