Logistics in International Supply Chains


Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (WiSo)


Version 2 vom 26.02.2025.







ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung


H?ufigkeit des Angebots des Moduls

Winter- und Sommersemester

Dauer des Moduls

1 Semester




Based on the knowledge of the Module "Logistics, Procurement, Production" the module provides an overview about strategies, structures and systems as well as processes in international logistics. The student shall develop an understanding of international logistics as an important business function in global supply chains.


1. Strategies for International Logistics 2. Structures of global distribution networks 3. Maritime transport as an important system in global supply chains 4. The process dimension of international logistics


Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Modul umfasst insgesamt 150 Stunden (siehe auch "ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung").

Lehr- und Lernformen
Dozentengebundenes Lernen
Std. WorkloadLehrtypMediale UmsetzungKonkretisierung
Dozentenungebundenes Lernen
Std. WorkloadLehrtypMediale UmsetzungKonkretisierung
45Veranstaltungsvor- und -nachbereitung-
10Arbeit in Kleingruppen-
Weitere Erl?uterungen

If an excursion is carried out (e.g. visit to a hospital or logistics centre), the lecturer-bound workload is as follows:

   30 hours - lecture - online or present; 
     5 hours - supervised small groups online or present;
   10 hours – excursion - present

Benotete Prüfungsleistung
  • Hausarbeit oder
  • Klausur oder
  • Portfolio-Prüfungsleistung
Bemerkung zur Prüfungsart

The portfolio exam covers 100 points and consists of a presentation (50 points) and an one-hour written examination (50 points).

Prüfungsdauer und Prüfungsumfang

Written examination: in accordance with the valid study regulations

Written paper: approx. 10-15 pages

Portfolio exam:

  • Presentation: approx. 20-40 minutes
  • Written examination: in accordance with the valid study regulations 

The requirements are specified in the relevant class.

Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse

Knowledge of the fundamentals of logistics


Students have a broad knowledge of international logistics. They know the main theories, concepts and methods and they are aware of the developments and changes in knowledge and understanding referring to international logistics.


Students who have successfully studied this module use methods and procedures of logistics management to formulate logistical solutions to problems from this subject area of international supply chains and present them in a well-structured and coherent form to different groups of people with different objectives.


The students can cope with common job-related abilities, skills and competences and deal with corresponding strategies and methods in a professional manner. They are able to systematically analyse and reflectively evaluate logistical issues in international supply chains.

Nutzung und Transfer

Students who have successfully studied this module will be able to apply the methods learned to concrete logistical problem areas and systematically develop solutions.

Wissenschaftliche Innovation

Students who have successfully completed this module will be able to explain and communicate logistics management concepts to experts and other interested parties using various oral, written and technical forms of communication (discussion contribution, presentation, lecture, essay).

Kommunikation und Kooperation

Students communicate and cooperate with other subject representatives as well as with people from outside the subject in order to responsibly solve a task within logistics management in an international context.

Wissenschaftliches Selbstverst?ndnis / Professionalit?t

Students reflect critically on their professional actions in relation to social expectations and consequences.


  • Donald J. Bowersox, David J. Closs, M. Bixby Cooper, and John C. Bowersox: Supply Chain Logistics Management, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, current edition
  • Alan Harrison, Remko van Hoek, Heather Skipworth: Logistics Management and Strategy, Competing through the supply chain, Pearson, Harlow et al., current edition
  • Lu, Meng; De Bock, Joost, Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains, 1. edition, 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland
  • Simchi, D./Kaminsky, P./Simchi-Levi, E.: Designing & Managing the Supply Chain, 2nd edition, 2003
  • Stopford, M.: Maritime Economics, 2nd or 3rd edition, 2003
  • Waters, Donald: Global Logistics – new directions in supply chain management, 7th edition, 2014

Zusammenhang mit anderen Modulen

The module follows on from preceding modules in which the knowledge and skills listed under the item "Recommended prior knowledge" are promoted.

In addition, the module prepares students for more advanced modules from various subject areas. These subject areas include, in particular, the modules of the specialisations in logistics.

Which preceding and subsequent modules are specifically considered depends on the individual degree programmes. More detailed information on this can be found in the study plan in the respective valid study regulations.

Verwendbarkeit nach Studieng?ngen

  • International Management
    • International Management, B.A. (01.09.2024)

  • Betriebswirtschaft und Management - WiSo
    • Betriebswirtschaft und Management, B.A. (01.09.2024) WiSo

    • Freye, Diethardt
    • Freye, Diethardt