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Eintr?ge werden geladen
01.10.2019 - 31.08.2020
Prof. Dr. Ursula H¨¹bner
Erasmus + Strategische Partnerschaft
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
€ 87.913,00
Projektpartner extern:
Universit?t Osnabr¨¹ck; University of Edinburgh; University of Eastern Finnland, Kuopio; University of Porto (Portugal)

eHealth is a priority for European member states as technology can encourage preventative health, help citizens manage their health and social care needs and reduce the cost and utilisation of
healthcare. While progress has been made, a number of barriers exist. There is a lack of awareness, understanding and confidence regarding technology amongst some health and other professionals.
Better interdisciplinary education in eHealth would address these issues. Both the European Commission and World Health Organization have highlighted the importance of interprofessional
education to prepare graduates and upskill the health and care workforce in Europe to facilitate collaborative practice.

The Interprofessional European eHealth Programme in Higher Education (eHealth4all@EU) project will address the high demand for health professionals to be competent and confident in eHealth. This
collaborative, multidisciplinary, pan-European project aims to develop, implement and evaluate an interprofessional eHealth training programme for graduate students ¨C the next generation of
professionals ¨C in higher education. Graduate students from many disciplines such as medicine, nursing, allied health, informatics, engineering, business, law, and management will participate in the eHealth4all@EU project. Up to 250 graduate students (Masters and PhD) across four European health systems, in Germany, the United Kingdom (Scotland), Finland and Portugal, will receive high quality interprofessional eHealth training via three E-learning/B-learning courses (covering interoperability, data protection and security, data analytics and big data) and two European Summer Schools (covering innovation & entrepreneurship, leadership and governance, ethical and legal issues). On completion of the project, the eHealth4all@EU programme will be embedded in the participating universities in Germany, Scotland (UK), Finland and the Portugal enabling thousands of students to be educated in this important area long-term. The novel problem-based learning and digitally supported curricula will be freely available.

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