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01.09.2022 - 28.02.2024
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stiene
DIGITAL Europe Programme: 2021 - Preparatory actions for Data Spaces
Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik
57.538,18 €
Projektpartner extern:

Agriculture is at the crossroads of European priorities and the sector needs to be strengthened to reach the high targets set in the Farm to Fork strategy of the European Green Deal. The sector must embrace digital technologies to achieve these strategic objectives and maintain a competitive position in the targeted digital platform market. Huge amounts of data from multiple sources in agri-food, and generated in the context of policy implementations, have the potential to create additional services for farmers by assisting them in their decision-making processes and help to benchmark against their competitors.

Moreover, there are more potential, yet unknown benefits of exchanging agricultural data among the several ecosystem players applying data technologies at larger scales to enhance both economic and environmental performance across multiple domains. To support this, AgriDataSpace will coordinate a preparatory action to pave the way for the European data space for Agriculture that facilitates data exchange, processing and analysis in a secured, trusted, transparent and responsible manner to create new opportunities for monitoring and optimising natural resource use stimulating data-driven innovations.

The AgriDataSpace consortium brings together an excellent team of experts from leading research institutes, agriculture data intermediairies and industry associations representing 10 countries that are rooted in the EU data space ecosystem. In close interaction with stakeholder community, representing all Member States and relevant ecosystem players, they will map the current data sharing landscape and record experiences with data exchange, analyse and assess governance and business models and evolving legislation, define a technical reference architecture and integrate them in a roadmap that compiles all requirements and needed actions into a comprehensive pathway towards implementation of the EU data space for Agriculture.

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