Matriculation and examination matters
Matriculation and examination matters
The team at the Registrar's Office advises prospective and current students and other members of the university on all questions relating to applications and admissions, enrolment, fees and charges and examination matters.
We provide students with administrative support throughout their studies and will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
We have compiled the most important information on enrolment and examination matters for you below. Further information, forms and applications for enrolled students can be found in the Infothek on the intranet.
Matriculation matters
Applicants who have received an offer of a study place from Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences for studies from summer semester 2025 via the application portal can accept the place within the deadlines stated in the letter of admission/letter of enrolment and enrol online.
Enrolment takes place exclusively online with login via the university's application portal. As part of online enrolment, you then submit the declarations required for university studies and upload the documents specified in the letter of admission/letter of information.
On the page Enrollment - Information on online enrollment, you will find information on important declarations and documents that the university will ask you to provide individually during online enrolment. These vary depending on the admission requirements for the degree program and the information you have provided in advance in the application portal.
Students at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences must pay a semester fee for each semester. The semester fee for the summer semester 2025 is made up as follows:
Study programs in Lingen and Osnabrück*:
Administration fee: 75 Euro
Student services fee: 93 Euro
Student self-administration fee: 13 Euro
German semester ticket: 176.40 Euro
Total: 357.40 Euro
* does not apply for the extra-occupational Bachelor's degree programs "Management of Operational Systems" "Mechanical Engineering", "Midwifery" (enrolment for summer semester 2025), "Nursing Management", "Nursing Science", "Physiotherapy" and "Plant Technology in Agriculture" and all non-consecutive part-time Master's degree programs; they pay the amount of 181 Euro reduced by the Germany semester ticket and / or the additional fees to be paid in accordance with the fee schedule of the degree program.
Student on leave of absence
For the summer semester 2025, students on leave of absence pay an amount reduced by the administrative fee of
Study programs with Germany semester ticket:
Osnabrück and Lingen campuses: 282.40 Euro
Degree programs without a Germany semester ticket:
Osnabrück and Lingen campuses: 106,- Euro
Information on re-registration, including bank details, can be found here.
Enrolled students who want to continue their studies in the following semester must report back in the following periods:
- June 1 to July 15 for the winter semester
- December 1 to January 15 for the summer semester
Re-registering takes place by the transfer of the current semester contribution (and the long-term study fees, if applicable) to the following account:
Bank details:
新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück
IBAN: DE90 2655 0105 0000 0787 90
Sparkasse Osnabrück
Intended purposes:
Line 1: HSOS und your Matrikelnumber (without space) - Example: HSOS1234567
Line 2: Your surname, first name
Academic leave of absence
Students can be granted a leave of absence from the second semester for one to four semesters for an important reason. Study and examination services cannot be used during a leave of absence.
Also in the sabbatical semesters, students must re-register, but the semester fee is reduced by the administrative fee. For the current semester fee for a sabbatical semester, see the point Semester fee.
Applications are to be submitted in writing for the winter semester no later than July 15 and for the summer semester no later than January 15. Learn more about the leave of absence from the Registrar's Office (website only available in German) at or phone: +49 (0)541 969-7100
Students can de-register at any time through a written request to the Registrar's Office (website only available in German). Find the application form on the intranet. The de-registration is done - if not otherwise requested - usually at the end of the current semester. It may not be retroactively rescinded.
Upon successful completion of the degree program, the de-registration takes place automatically with the date of the last examination.
Examination matters
Exam registration
Detailed information on exam registration and the registration period can be found on the intranet.
Students must register for examinations via the intranet during the examination registration period. You will receive important information on the registration procedure by e-mail to your university e-mail address before the start of the examination registration period of each semester.
A separate examination registration procedure applies to the Institute for Dual Study Programs (Institut für duale Studieng?nge). Information can be found on the Institute's website.
Further information on the registration requirement can be found in § 12 General Section of the Examination Regulations of 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück in the currently published version.
Examination period and examination schedules
The examination period of the respective semester can be found under examination periods.
Detailed examination schedules can be found on the intranet, sorted by faculty
Withdrawal from examinations
Information on withdrawing from examinations and other provisions of the general part of the examination regulations can also be found on the intranet.
Recognition and crediting of competencies
Information on the recognition of graded and ungraded examinations and the recognition of extracurricular competencies can be found on the intranet on the information pages of the Registrar's Office.
Compensation for disadvantages during studies and examinations
Information on compensation for disadvantages during studies and examinations due to a disability or chronic illness can be found on the intranet.
Students with disabilities and chronic illnesses have a statutory right to compensation for disadvantages in their studies and examinations. With § 4a para. 1 General Part of the Examination Regulations of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (ATPO) in the current version, the university creates a binding framework to enable students with disabilities and chronic illnesses to participate in their studies with equal opportunities and to avoid discrimination.
The granting of compensation for disadvantages serves to ensure equal opportunities during studies. In principle, the conditions under which an examination is taken should be as equal as possible for all candidates. Uniform rules for the form and course of examinations within module examinations must apply to all candidates.
However, uniform examination conditions are also likely to violate the equal opportunities of those candidates whose ability to demonstrate their existing capabilities is significantly impaired due to a chronic illness or disability.
Students with a disability or chronic illness are entitled to measures to compensate for disadvantages, provided that the principle of equal opportunities is observed. Compensation for disadvantages does not include any adjustment of examination content and must not lead to overcompensation compared to students without disadvantages.
Impairments that can usually be compensated for by a disadvantage compensation:
Impairments or illnesses that only make it difficult to present and prove existing knowledge (e.g. visual impairment, impairment of mechanical presentation skills, dyslexia, dyscalculia) and if the disadvantage in examinations can be compensated for by suitable aids (e.g. by technical aids or extended writing time).
Compensatory measures may include, for example Extension of the processing time (e.g. for written examinations, term papers and final theses), interruption by recovery breaks (e.g. for written examinations), writing in a single room, granting of aids such as reading magnifiers, noise-canceling headphones).
Impairments that cannot generally be compensated for by a disadvantage compensation:
Permanent impairments to performance that already exist prior to the examination are generally not eligible for compensation for disadvantages.
Permanent conditions that affect the performance capacity to be determined by the examination are therefore generally excluded from compensation measures.
The decision as to whether compensation for disadvantages can be granted is always made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the legal framework.
Comprehensive information on how to apply and detailed FAQ can be found on the INTRANET (access only for enrolled students).
The contact person for compensation for disadvantages in examinations at the Registrar's Office is
Angela Schubert,
Consulting service
For the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences reconciling studies and care-giving responsibility is a priority. Therefore, we support you with various measures to balance studies and family.
The staff of the Equal Opportunity Office (website only availabe in German) is available for personal advice on the balancing of studies and family. The Equal Opportunity Office also provides information on topics such as child care or changing rooms at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in addition to contact people.
Identification "Studies and family"
Students with children or with care-giving responsibilities may also apply for the "Study and family" card in the Registrar's Office (website only available in German). This allows, for example, a more flexible course of studies. More information as well as the application form can be found on the intranet.
Your contact person for the issuance of the card:
Marie Bongartz
Registrar's Office in the CB Building, Room CB 0008
Phone: +49 (0)541 969-3139
Initiative "Studying with a child"
Studying with a child (website is only available in German) is an initiative of the universities, student services, and the City of Osnabrück. There you will find support and care-giving services, as well as information on topics such as financial services.