Facts & figures

Degree program Midwifery in brief

Facts & figures


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Type of study

First degree

Standard period of study

6 semesters


Osnabrück – Caprivi Campus

Start of studies

Summer semester

Application deadline

Summer semester: March 1 (different deadlines for applicants with foreign university entry qualifications, for details please refer to application deadlines with uni-assist)

Admission requirements

University entrance qualification and a training place at a cooperating midwifery school or completed vocational training as a midwife

Admission restrictions


Credit points


Language of instruction


Placement test

Equivalence test for those starting in the 4th semester


Yes (ZEvA)

Areas of focus

Scientific foundations, empirical midwifery research, evidence-based clinical decision making, family- and client-oriented care management, professionalization, interdisciplinary cooperation for midwifery work, care structures in the healthcare, ethical decision making, communications, consulting, personnel development, quality management


Degree program supplementing training with the objective of recognizing the unexploited potential and resources of midwives in the care of women and their families and to promote the welfare of families.

Study abroad

Not included, but possible within the framework of the practical scientific project

Practical project

Practical scientific project in the 6th semester


181 Euro semester fee per semester, semester ticket not included