Communication Management (B.A.), Campus Lingen (Ems)
Program structure
Structure of the program
The Communication Management Bachelor’s degree program has a standard period of study of six semesters and is divided into a compulsory and a compulsory elective area. The first two semesters are comprised of compulsory modules, in which communication management basics are taught. Starting from the third semester, the compulsory modules are complemented by compulsory elective modules.
The students have the possibility to choose between three major fields of study: Design, press and media relations and internal communication/employee communication. Three compulsory internships are planned for lecture-free periods. The studies are completed with a scientific project and a Bachelor thesis, which can be customized in cooperation with a company or other organization.
- Propaedeutics I
- Basics in Communication Management
- Communication Planning
- Introduction to Visual and Audiovisual Communication (Print, Broadcast, Online)
- Journalism in Practice
- Journalism, Media and Public Sphere
- Propaedeutics II
- Rhetorics, Presentation Techniques and Journalistic Writing
- Fields of Activity of Communication Management
- Public Relations Internship I
- General Studies
- Business Studies
- Introduction to the Psychology and Sociology of Communication
- Communication Management as a Profession
- Project Module
- Journalism and Public Relations
- Effects of Public Communication
- Empirical Research Project
- Public Relations Internship II
- Media Training and Crisis Communication
- Case Studies in Communication Management
- Current Topics in Communication Management
- Communication Management in Theory and Practice
- Research Project
- Bachelor Thesis