Research Fields

Research Fields at Osnabr¨¹ck University of Applied Sciences


Research Fields

Research at Osnabr¨¹ck University of Applied Sciences is grouped into 3 main areas:
Agriculture and Food Systems, Landscape and Urban Development | Health, Society, Economy | Sustainable Technologies and Processes





Our scientists teach and conduct research at four faculties and the Institute for Music. Three faculties are located in Osnabr¨¹ck and one in Lingen





... and several specialised research buildings offer our researchers space and state-of-the-art technology to successfully investigate the relevant issues of our time


approx. 450



Professors, doctoral students and research assistants are working on discoveries for a better future every day - in laboratories and in empirical research


Osnabr¨¹ck University of Applied Sciences has earned a reputation as the largest, most diverse and most research-intensive university of applied sciences in Lower Saxony. Practical research is anchored in our DNA. We are a strong partner and well networked in society, business and the scientific community - together we shape future developments. The range of research topics within our research fields is considerable and ranges from propulsion and mobility solutions, health and supply innovations, nutrition and agricultural technologies, material sciences, landscape and urban development to computer science and artificial intelligence. 

In doing so, we often cross borders, both between countries and between disciplines. Our culture of cooperation does not stop at the edges of disciplinary logics. After all, we see the greatest potential for cooperation and innovation in the intersections between disciplines. That is why we are always on the lookout for new interdisciplinary solutions - collaborative, future-orientated and practice-based.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann, Vice President for Research, Transfer and Promotion of Young Professional Talent

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