Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf T?njes

Mail Address:
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck
P.O. Box 1940
49009 Osnabrueck
Visitor's Address:
Room UA 0308
Ursula-Flick-Str. 8-10
49076 Osnabrueck
Further Contact Information:
Tel.: +49 541 969-2941
Fax: +49 541 969-3757
Publications und Patents
The current research interest comprises mobile communication networks, Internet of Things, Service Platforms, and Data Security. The research focuses on following topics:
- Protocols and architectures for mobile networks and performance evaluation by simulation and prototypical implementation of different application scenarios.
- Internet of Things, in particular the development of powerful communication networks for Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Smart Grids und Smart Farming.
- Service platforms for dynamic orchestration of distributed mobile applications and automated testing of services.
- Data security and privacy to provide confidentiality, integrity and availability and to protect privacy.
Currently I am responsible for following lectures:
- Mobile Communication (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
- Signals and Systems (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
- Mobile Data Communication (M.Sc. Computer Science)
- Internet of Things (M.Sc. Computer Science)
- Telematics (M.Sc. Computer Science)
- Digital Radio Systems (M.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
- Technologies in Service Engineering (M.Eng. Technology Analysis, Engineering and Management)
- Applications Areas of Service Engineering (M.Eng. Technology Analysis, Engineering and Management)
- Project Management (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering)
- Project Management and Leadership Theory (M.Sc. Computer Science)
Curriculum Vitae
1961 | Born in Delmenhorst |
1982- 1989 | Study of Electrical Engineering with focus on Communication Engineering at the University of Hannover (Dipl.-Ing.) |
1989- 1990 | Study of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK), (M.Phil.) |
1990- 1998 | University of Hannover , Research Fellow (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at ?Institut für Theoretische 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机technik und Informationsverarbeitung“ |
1998 | PhD in Electrical Engineering (summa cum laude) |
1998- 2005 | Ericsson Corporate Research, project manager of international research projects in the area of mobile communication, Ericsson representative in standardisation |
Seit 2005 | Professor for mobile communication und project management at University of Applied Science Osnabrück, Head of Mobile Communications Research Group (/mobilkommunikation.html ) |
- Gründungsmitglied im Nieders?chsischen Datenschutzzentrum (NDZ)
- ITG-Fachausschusses 5.2 Kommunikationsnetze und –systeme (seit 2010)
- Expertengremium der europ?ischen Technology Platform NetWorldEurope für Kommunikationsnetze (seit 2009)
- iuk Unternehmensnetzwerk Osnabrück e.V.
- AEF (Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation)
- Mitgliedschaft in Programmkomitees von Konferenzen, u.a.
- VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation (seit 2005, Tagungsleiter)
- VDE/ITG Tagung Zukunft der Netze (seit 2010)
- EuCNC / Mobile Summit (seit 2000)
- IEEE LCN (seit 2013)
- IoTBDS (seit 2017)
- IEEE PIMRC (2007)
- IEEE IW5GS (International Workshop on 5G Security) (2015-2017)
- RTUWO (Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications) (2015-2018)
- VDE/ITG MMC - Mobile Multimedia Communications Workshop (seit 2000)
- HyWiN – Hybrid Wireless Networks (2003),
- KIVS WMAN - Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzworks (seit 2005)
- Workshop on Context-Awareness in Smart Environments (2009, 2010, Tagungsleiter)
- ….