Dr. Michael Knappmeyer

was member of staff (Research Associate) in the Mobile Communications lab from September 2006 to December 2011.
Research Activities:
- XonYt, 08/2009 - 12/2011
- Modular Context Management
- System-initiated Rule-based Context-aware Communication
- C-CAST, 03/2008 - 07/2010
- Layered and Distributed Reasoning and Inference of Context Information (user situation, user intention) [Project Activity Leadership]
- Context Management and Representation
- Architecture and Middleware Design for the provision of context-aware services
- C-MOBILE, 03/2006 - 04/2008
- Architecture Design, IMS and MBMS Integration
- Scheduling of Content and Services for Multicast and Broadcast Distribution [Project Activity Leadership]
- Prototype Implementation of a Service Enabler for Content Scheduling (realised as SIP Servlet deployed on a Sailfin/Glassfish Application Server
- Distributed context reasoning, Situation Recognition
- Scaleable and modular Context Management
- Global/Urban Smart Spaces, Ubiquitous Computing
- Evolution of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
- Reasoning in kontextsensitiven Systeme
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Architekturdesign (Context Management und Context Provisioning)
- Evolution des IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
Background Information:
- Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy - Computer Science, Diplom-Informatiker (FH) - Computer Science and Computer Engineering
- 09/2006 - 12/2011: Research Associate, Mobile Communication Research Group, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
- 01/2007 - 02/2012: PhD student, Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems Group, Bristol Institute of Technology, University of the West of England
Conference Publications:
- E.S. Reetz, M. Knappmeyer, S.L. Kiani, N. Baker and R. T?njes, Performance Evaluation of a Context Provisioning Middleware, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), January 30 - February 02, 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- S.L. Kiani, A.M. Anjum, N. Bessis, R. Hill, M. Knappmeyer, Context Parsing, Processing and Distribution in Clouds, Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS-2011), Fukuoka, Japan, November 2011.
- S.L. Kiani, B. Moltchanov, M. Knappmeyer and N. Baker, Analysis of the Energy Conservation Aspects of a Mobile Context Broker, 4th Conference on Smart Spaces ?(ruSMART 2011), St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2011.
- A. Ikram, N. Baker, M. Knappmeyer, E.S. Reetz, R. T?njes, An Artificial Chemistry based Framework for Personal and Social Context Aware Smart Spaces, in Proceedings of 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), July 2011.
- M. Knappmeyer, E. Wittkorn, S.L. Kiani, R. T?njes and N. Baker, Context Provisioning Middleware with Probabilistic Reasoning Support, in Proceedings of the 20th Future Network and Mobile Summit, Warsaw, Poland, June 2011.
- M. Knappmeyer, D. Brettschneider and S.L. Kiani, Context Source: A Smartphone Application for Serving Context to a Generic Context Provisioning System, in Workshop on Context-Systems Design, Evaluation and Optimisation in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Como, Italy, February 2011.
- M. Knappmeyer, S.L. Kiani, N. Baker, A. Ikram and R. T?njes, Survey on Evaluation of Context Provisioning Middleware, in Workshop on Context-Systems Design, Evaluation and Optimisation in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Como, Italy, February 2011.
- A. Ikram, N. Baker, M. Knappmeyer, R. T?njes, A Chemical Model to enable Context Awareness, Proceedings of 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France, February 2011.
- S.L. Kiani, B. Moltchanov, M. Knappmeyer and N. Baker, Large-Scale Context-aware System In Smart Spaces: Issues and Challenges, in Baltic Congress on Future Internet and Communications (BCFIC 2011) - Special Session on Smart Spaces and Ubiquitous Solutions, Riga, Latvia, February, 2011.
- S.L. Kiani, M. Knappmeyer, E.S. Reetz, N. Baker, R. T?njes, Effect of Caching in a Broker based Context Provisioning System, proceedings of The 5th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, Nov. 2010.
- M. Knappmeyer, S.L. Kiani, N. Baker, R. T?njes, Modular Context Processing and Provisioning - Prototype Experiences, proceedings of The 4th ACM International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems, in conjunction with the 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2010), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2010.
- S.L. Kiani, M. Knappmeyer, N. Baker, A Federated Broker Architecture for Large Scale Context Dissemination, proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Topics on Scalable Computing, in conjunction with the 10th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom-2010), Bradford, UK, June 2010
- M. Knappmeyer, S.L. Kiani, C. Frá, B. Moltchanov, N. Baker, ContextML - A Light-Weight Context Representation and Context Management Schema, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, May 2010
- B. Moltchanov, M. Knappmeyer, O. Fuchs, E. Paschetta, Context Management and Reasoning for Adaptive Service Provisioning, International Conference on Ultramodern Telecommunications, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 2009.
- M. Knappmeyer, N. Baker, S. Liaquat Kiani, R. T?njes, A Context Provisioning Framework to Support Pervasive & Ubiquitous Applications, 4th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, Guildford, UK, September 2009.
- M. Zafar, N. Baker, B. Moltchanov, J.M. Goncalves, S. Liaquat Kiani, M. Knappmeyer, Context Management Architecture for Future Internet Services, 18th ICT Mobile Summit, Santander, Spain, June 2009.
- M. Knappmeyer, R. T?njes, N. Baker, Modular and Extendible Context Provisioning for Evolving Mobile Applications and Services, 18th ICT Mobile Summit, Santander, Spain, June 2009.
- B. Moltchanov, M. Knappmeyer, C.A. Licciardi, N. Baker, Context-Aware Content Sharing and Casting, 12th ICIN, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2008.
- M. Zafar, N. Baker, A. Ikram, F.C. Pinto, M. Fuchs, A. Al-Hezmi, M. Knappmeyer, T. Mota, Design of NGN Mobile Multicast Group Service Enablers, 17th ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.
- F.C. Pinto, M. Knappmeyer, A. Al-Hezmi, Signalling for IMS and MBMS Integration, 17th ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.
- M. Knappmeyer, A. Al-Hezmi, B. Ricks, R. T?njes, Advanced Multicast and Broadcast Content Distribution in Mobile Cellular Networks, 50th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007.
- A. Al-Hezmi, M. Knappmeyer, B. Ricks, F. Cabral Pinto, R. T?njes, Enabling IMS with Multicast and Broadcast Capabilities, 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Athens, Greece, Sept. 2007.
- M. Knappmeyer, R. Chiang, N. Baker, R. T?njes, End-to-end Scheduling Techniques for Mobile Broadcast and Multicast Services, 16th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 2007.
- B. Ricks, M. Knappmeyer, R. T?njes, Evolution des IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) für Mobile Broadcast-Dienste, 12. VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung, Osnabrück, Germany, May 2007.
- M. Knappmeyer, R. T?njes, Adaptive Data Scheduling for Mobile Broadcast Carousel Services, 65th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2007.
Book Chapter Publications:
- N. Baker, M. Zafar, B. Moltchanov, M. Knappmeyer, Context-Aware Systems and Implications for Future Internet, in "Towards the Future Internet - A European Research Perspective", IOS Press BV, May 2009.
- M. Knappmeyer, R. Chiang, N. Baker, R. T?njes: Scheduling Techniques for Mobile Broadcast and Multicast Services, in "Advances in mobile and wireless communications – views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit", Springer, July 2008.
Other Publications:
- M. Knappmeyer, Adaptive Data Scheduling for Mobile Broadcast Services, Final Thesis, Aug. 2006.