Daniel Kümper, M.Sc.

Participation primarily in the following research projects:
- ID3AS, since 2017
- Knowledge transfer in the field of communication networks, sensor technology and indoor / outdoor localization
- Link: /de/id3as/
- CityPulse, 2013-2016
- Reliable information processing for smart city datasets
- IoT.est, 2011-2014
- Design and implementation of mechanism to enables an automatically creation of critical test-cases for semantically described Internet of Things (IoT)-aware business processes
- Concept and prototypical realisation of automatically execution of test-cases for IoT-aware business processes
- ContexCare, 10/2009 - 03/2012
- pervasive healthcare
- ambient assisted living
- OKGIS, 04/2008 - 04/2009
- distributed OGC-capable staff client for catastrophe management
- PIROL, 04/2007 - 04/2008
- Precision Farming
- geospatial analysis for agricultural land usage
- Geospatial Analysis, OGC
- Service and Software Deployment
- Service and Software Testing
- Distributed Systems and Services
- Software Development for mobile devices
- Service Creation for Next Generation Networks
- Marten Fischer, Daniel Kümper, Ralf T?njes, ?Towards improving the Privacy in the MQTT Protocol“, Workshop on Internet of Things Security and Privacy (WISP), Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019
URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8766366 - D. Kuemper, T. Iggena, R. Toenjes, and E. Pulvermueller, “Valid.iot: A framework for sensor data quality analysis and interpolation,” in Proceedings of the 9th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, ser. MMSys ’18. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018, pp. 294–303.
- S. Kolozali, M. Bermudez-Edo, N. F. Davar, P. Barnaghi, F. Gao, M. I. Ali, A. Mileo, M. Fischer, T. Iggena, D. Kuemper, and R. Tonjes, “Observing the pulse of a city: A smart city framework for real-time discovery, federation, and aggregation of data streams,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1–1, 2018.
- D. Kuemper, R. Toenjes, and E. Pulvermueller, “An infrastructurebased interpolation and propagation approach for iot data analytics,” in Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), 2017 20th Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 349–354.
- T.-L. Pham, S. Germano, A. Mileo, D. Kuemper, and M. I. Ali, “Automatic configuration of smart city applications for user-centric decision support,” in Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), 2017 20th Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 360–365.
- D. Kuemper, T. Iggena, M. Fischer, R. Toenjes, and E. Pulvermueller, “Monitoring data stream reliability in smart city environments,” in Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 571–576.
- D. Puiu, P. Barnaghi, R. Toenjes, D. K¨umper, M. I. Ali, A. Mileo, J. X. Parreira, M. Fischer, S. Kolozali, N. Farajidavar et al., “Citypulse: Large scale data analytics framework for smart cities,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 1086–1108, 2016.
- R. Toenjes, D. Kuemper, and M. Fischer, “Knowledge-based spatial reasoning for iot-enabled smart city applications,” in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive Systems. IEEE, 2015, pp. 736–737.
- D. Kuemper, E. Reetz, E. Pulvermueller, R. Toenjes: From Semantic IoT- Service Descriptions to Executable Test Cases – Information Flow of an Implemented Test Framework (Accepted for Publication), The 6th International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle VALID 2014, Nice, France, November 2014.
- E. Reetz, D. Kuemper, K. Moessner, R. T?njes: Investigation of Opportunities for Test Case Selection Optimisation Based on Similarity Computation and Search-Based Minimisation Algorithms, The 6th International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle VALID 2014, Nice, France, 12-16 October 2014.
- D. Kuemper, E. Reetz, M. Schaarschmidt, M. Fischer, E. Pulvermueller, R. Toenjes: Test Framework for IoT-Based Services – A Knowledge Driven Approach (poster), 24th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC) 2014, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.
- D. Kuemper, W. Wang, P. Chainho, R. Toenjes: D2.3 - Framework for IoT Service Life Cycle Management, Public Deliverable, The IoT.est Project (FP7 grant agreement no. 288385), 2013.
- D. Kuemper, E. Reetz, D. Hoelker, R.Toenjes: Test-Enhanced Life Cycle for Composed IoT-Based Services, 19th EUNICE/IFIP EG WG 6.6 International Workshop, Chemnitz, 2013.
- D. Kuemper, E. Reetz, R. T?njes: Test Derivation for Semantically Described IoT Services, in Proc. 22nd Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013, Lissabon, 2013.
- E. Reetz, D. Kuemper, K. Moessner, R. T?njes: How to Test IoT Services before Deploying them into Real World, in Proc. 19th European Wireless Conference (EW2013), Guildford, 2013.
- E. S. Reetz, D. Kümper, A. Lehmann, R. T?njes: Test Driven Life Cycle Management for Internet of Things based Services: a Semantic Approach, in VALID 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, Lissabon, 2012.
- D. Kümper, R. T?njes: Performance evaluation of a generic driver for medical Bluetooth sensors, in Proc. 20th Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011, Warschau, 2011.
- D. Kümper, R.T?njes: Remote configuration and deployment of sensor drivers for a medical bluetooth sensor gateway, World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)/IREHSS Workshop, 2011 IEEE International Symposium, Lucca, 2011.
- D. Kümper, E. Reetz, R. T?njes: Kontextsensitive Dokumentation und Kommunikation für Pflegedienste, ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, Osnabrück, 2010.
- Offenes Katastrophenmanagement mit freiem GIS zur interoperablen Kopplung von Leitstellensystem, mobilen Clienten und GDI mit Prozessierungsdiensten}, Thomas Brinkhoff Et al., AGIT 2008 - Symposium für angewandte Geoinformatik, Salzburg, 2008
- Absperrung eines Gefahrengebietes, Roland K?nig, Et al., Third GI-Days 2008, Münster, 2008