Bj?rn Ricks

was member of staff (Research Associate) in the Mobile Communications lab from September 2006 to December 2010.
Participation primarily in the following research projects:
- C-MOBILE, 09/2006 - 05/2007
- Integration of MBMS and IMS
- MORYNE, 06/2007 - 04/2008
- Measurement of Mobile WiMAX networks
- Development of a Mobile WiMAX emulator
- TeamCom, since 06/2007
- Projectcoordination and financial budgeting
- Specification of communication-services
- Development of communication-services based on the JAIN SLEE environment
- Specification and development of a Ser
- und Entwicklung einer Service Creation Environment für NGN Dienste
- Evolution of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
- SIP based communication networks
- Service creation for Next Generation Networks
- JAIN SLEE architecture for event based services
- Linux and Open Source
- Mozilla technologies (XUL, XPCOM)
- Subversion version management system
- Cmake build environment
- OpenSync synchronization framework
- Mobile WiMAX
- Rolf Lasch, Bj?rn Ricks und Ralf T?njes, Konzept eines BPEL zu JSLEE Compilers auf Basis wiederverwendbarer Kommunikationsbausteine, 13. VDE/ITG Mobilkommtagung, Osnabrück, Germany, May 2009.
- A. Lehmann, T. Eichelmann, U. Trick, R. Lasch, B. Ricks, R. T?njes, TeamCom: A Service Creation Platform for Next Generation Networks, The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Venice/Mestre, Italy, May 2009
- Rolf Lasch, Bj?rn Ricks, Ralf T?njes, Service Creation Environment for Business-to-business Services, 4th International IEEE Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments, Bradford, UK, May 2009
- E. Reetz, B. Ricks, R. Lasch, R. T?njes, Performance Measurements of Mobile WiMAX in Urban and Sub-Urban Areas, 13th VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung, Osnabrueck, Germany, May 2008.
- M. Knappmeyer, A. Al-Hezmi, B. Ricks, R. T?njes, Advanced Multicast and Broadcast Content Distribution in Mobile Cellular Networks, 50th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007.
- A. Al-Hezmi, M. Knappmeyer, B. Ricks, F. Cabral Pinto, R. T?njes, Enabling IMS with Multicast and Broadcast Capabilities, 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Athens, Greece, Sept. 2007.
- B. Ricks, M. Knappmeyer, R. T?njes, Evolution des IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) für Mobile Broadcast-Dienste, 12. VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung, Osnabrück, Germany, May 2007.