
Title ComGeneration - Test-driven Evolution and Autonomous Deployment of Communication Services
Objectives The ComGeneration project focuses on the test driven creation and evolution of communication services. A Service Creation Environment (SCE) is targeted in which test cases can be generated semi or fully automated. The aim is to integrate the tests already at the beginning of the development process of new services.
Contributions UASO Design of a test environment with automated creation of tests (Test-last); Development of a test-driven Service Creation Environment (Test-first); Automated deployment and adaptation of services in Next Generation Networks
Funding German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration 06/2009 - 09/2011
Staff Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf T?njes, Dipl.-Inf (FH) Bj?rn Ricks, Dipl.-Inf (FH) Marten Fischer, Dipl.-Inf (FH) Rolf Lasch
Further Information