Research group FamiLy
Therese Werner-Bierwisch, Dipl. Pflegep?dagogin (FH)

Experiencing security during birth from the parent’s perspective
The security of mother and child is a quality characteristic of obstetric care. Seen from the view of the healthcare system, security serves above all to avoid or minimize risks. This research study focuses on how parents experience their own security during the birth process. The aim is to analyze how the security of both parents is constituted in the context of the birth. Based on qualitative interviews with parents, the knowledge gained should contribute to the development of a family-oriented healthcare.
More Information Flyer.
Niessen K., Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2017): Mutterschaft ab 35 Jahren: Das Altersrisiko in der Wahrnehmung von Frauen – eine Literaturstudie / Motherhood at the age of 35 and over: The risk of advanced maternal age as perceived by women - a literature study. Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 221(3): 111-121
Hellmers, C.; Metzing, S.; Werner-Bierwisch, T. (2016): Das Erleben von Sicherheit im Kontext der Geburt aus Sicht der Eltern – Einblicke in die Literaturanalyse. 3. Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf – FamiLe“, 21. Oktober 2016, Witten-Herdecke.
Niessen, K., Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2017): Experiences in Transition to Motherhood Made by Women of Very Advanced Maternal age - A Literature Review. 31 st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18.-22.6.2017.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Niessen, K., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2017): The Experiences of Security during Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Literature Review. 31st ICM Triennial Congress Toronto, Canada, 18.-22.6.2017.
Werner-Bierwisch, T.; Metzing, S.; Hellmers, C. (2016): Geburt und das Erleben von Sicherheit: Eine qualitative Untersuchung. Childbirth and experience of security: A qualitative study. Posterpr?sentation auf dem 3. Kongress der Deutschen Hebammen Zeitschrift, Hannover, 02.09.2016.
Contact 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postanschrift: Forschungskolleg FamiLe, Caprivistr. 30a, D-49076 0snabrück/ Besucheranschrift: Barbarast. 24, D-49076 Osnabrück, Raum BA 0106, Telefon: +49 541 969-7283, Email:
Annika Bode, M.A. Management im Gesundheitswesen; B.Sc. Midwifery

Women’s health in the context of reconciling career and family
Combining career and family life is associated with challenges in both spheres of life and can have negative consequences on the health of working mothers. In this quantitative study, the health of mothers whose youngest child is aged between 12 and 36 months is assessed with the help of questionnaires. Special consideration is given to analyzing influencing factors at personal, familial and career levels. The findings should serve as basic recommendations for the improvement of women’s health, taking internal and external resources into consideration.
"Die Ressourcen der Mütter sind zentral für ihre Gesundheit", an interview from Isabell Dieckmann with Annika Bode in the Research Report WIR (2015), University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, 2016.
Bode, A.; Bauer, N. H.; Hellmers, C. (2016). Arbeitszufriedenheit von Hebammen im Krei?saal. Die Hebamme, 29 (2), 118-123.
Bode, A.; Metzing, S.;, Hellmers, C.; (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Frauengesundheit im Kontext der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Bode, A., Dorin, L., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2017): Mothers managing work and family – a topic for midwives? 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18.-22.06.2017.
Bode, A., Bauer, N.H., Hellmers, C. (2017): Job satisfaction of midwives working in delivery units – Challenges for the hospital management. 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18.-22.06.2017.
Contact 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postanschrift: Forschungskolleg FamiLe, Caprivistr. 30a, D- 49076 Osnabrück/ Besucheranschrift: Barbarastr. 24, D-49076 Osnabrück, Raum BA 0107, Telefon: +49 541 969-7284 Email:
Katja Daugardt, MScN; Dipl. Berufsp?dagogin (FH)

The experiences of families with a chronically ill child or adolescent in the process of migration
When a child is chronically ill, the families are often confronted with huge challenges. There is already a certain amount of scientific knowledge about how families experience this situation. However, to date very little is known about those families from a foreign country who have brought a child suffering from a chronic illness with them to Germany. This qualitative study focuses on migrant families in which a child or adolescent with a chronic illness lives. Interviews based on the Grounded Theory are carried out with every family member, including the chronically ill children or adolescents. This doctoral thesis focuses on gaining insight into the experiences of migrant families with a chronically ill child or adolescent, and into how they cope. The individual phases of the migration process are taken into consideration.
Daugardt, K.; Metzing, S.; Büscher, A.: (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Das Erleben und Bew?ltigungshandeln von Familien mit einem chronisch kranken Kind oder Jugendlichen im Prozess der Migration, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Contact Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke Fakult?t für Gesundheit, Department für Pflegewissenschaft, Stockhumer Str. 12, D-58453 Witten, Raum D 42, Telefon: +49 2302 926-292 Email:
Sandra Falkson, M.Sc. Pflegewissenschaft; B.A. Pflegewissenschaft

The experiences of families with ventilator-dependent children and adolescents in the home
The subjective experiences of families with ventilator-dependent children and adolescents at home are the focus of this study. In this Grounded Theory study interviews are carried out with individual family members. The study’s objective is to gain insight into the familial and personal situation in order to understand how the members of the family experience everyday life with the ventilator situation in the home, and how they interpret their experiences. A further objective is to find out more about the resources, needs and problems of these families.
Falkson, S.; Roling, M.; Knecht, C.; Hellmers, C.; Metzing, S. (2017): Home ventilated children. The daily life with a ventilator dependent child from the perspective of the family. A literature review (Abstract). Verpleegkunde nr. 1, maart 2017, pagina 32.
Falkson, S., Knecht, C., Hellmers, C., & Metzing, S. (2017). The Perspective of Families With a Ventilator-Dependent Child at Home. A Literature Review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 36, 213–224. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2017.06.021 Frei abrufbar bis 01.09.2017.
Falkson S., Roling M., Knecht C., Hellmers C., Metzing S. (2016): Das Leben mit einem h?uslich beatmeten Kind aus der Perspektive der Familie 25. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Interdisziplin?ren Gesellschaft für Au?erklinische Beatmung (DIGAB) e.V., K?ln, 22.07.2017.
Falkson, S.; Hellmers, C.; Metzing, S. (2016).:Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Erleben und Bew?ltigungshandeln von Familien h?uslich beatmeter Kinder und Jugendlicher, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Falkson S., Roling M., Knecht C., Hellmers C., Metzing S. (2016): Das Leben mit einem h?uslich beatmeten Kind aus der Perspektive der Familie. 25. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Interdisziplin?ren Gesellschaft für Au?erklinische Beatmung (DIGAB) e.V. 22.- 24.07.2017, K?ln
Falkson S.; Roling M.; Knecht C.; Hellmers C.; Metzing S. (2016): Home ventilated children. Daily life with a ventilator-dependent child from the perspective of the family: A literature review. 16th European Doctoral Conference in Nursing Science, Bern 17.09.2016.
Contact Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke Fakult?t für Gesundheit, Department für Pflegewissenschaften, Stockumerstr. 12, D-58453 Witten, Raum D 42, Telefon: +49 2302 926-294 Email:
Katharina Kapsch, M.Sc. Pflegewissenschaft; B.A. Pflegewissenschaft

The importance of family for homeless people with health problems but no shelter
Due to their living conditions, homeless people have a higher risk of becoming acutely or chronically ill. Moreover, it seems the familial care relationships are restricted or non-existent. This qualitative Grounded Theory study therefore focuses on what importance the family has for homeless people, who assumes liability for family affairs and how professional carers can support these people.
The findings gained contribute to deepening nursing knowledge.
Kapsch, K.; Sorber, M.; Dorin, L.; Schnepp, W.; Büscher, A. (2016): Homeless people: A literature review on the experiences with nursing care in the context of health problems, Conference Proceedings of the X. International Nusring Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava:93-99.
Sorber, M.; Kapsch, K.; Knecht, C.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Couples faced with chronic illness: A literature review about the phenomenon ?concurrent relationships“, Conference Proceedings of the X. International Nursing Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava:188-195.
Kapsch, K.; Büscher, A. (2016): Wohnungslos und krank. Welche Rolle spielt die Familie? In: Dr. med. Mabuse. 221(3): 27-29.
Kapsch, K.; Schnepp, W.; Büscher, A. (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Die Bedeutung von Familie bei obdach- und wohnungslosen Menschen in gesundheitlichen Problemlagen, Universit?t Witten-Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Kapsch, K.; Sorber, M.; Dorin, L.; Schnepp, W.; Büscher, A. (2016): Homeless people: A literature review on the experiences with nursing care in the context of health problems. X. International Nursing Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava, 26.5.2016
Sorber, M.; Kapsch, K.; Knecht, C.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Couples faced with chronic illness: A literature review about the phenomenon ?concurrent relationships“. X. International Nursing Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava, 26.5.2016
Contact 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postanschrift: Forschungskolleg FamiLe, Caprivistr. 30a, D-49076 Osnabrück/ Besucheranschrift: Barbarastr. 24, D-49076 Osnabrück, Raum BA 0102, Telefon: +49 541 969-7172 Email:
Riccardo Ke?ler, M.A Soziologie; B.A. Soziologie, Philosophie

Surviving sepsis – how families deal with the aftermaths of a severe sepsis
Every year around 175,000 people in Germany are victims of a sepsis and the survivors generally have to fight for years against the aftermaths of the illness. It is of vital importance for an effective recovery from a sepsis that rehabilitation and aftercare should be improved. The study focuses on the experiences following the recovery from a sepsis, taking particular notice of how new challenges are dealt with. By performing extensive interviews with survivors and their families, a glimpse into the everyday, post-discharge life of sepsis survivors is expected. The objective is to make the findings available for constructing rehabilitation standards.
Ke?ler, R.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Sepsis überleben – Familiales Handeln nach einer schweren Sepsiserkrankung, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Ke?ler, R.; Knecht, C.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Nachstation?re Rehabilitation bei überlebter Sepsis – Eine Literaturstudie. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie ?Gesundheit – bio.psycho.sozial 2.0“, Charité Universit?tsmedizin Berlin, 29.9.2016.
Ke?ler, R.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F.; Schnepp, W. (2017): Familial coping in the post discharge process after surviving a sepsis. 8. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Sepsis-Gesellschaft. Sepsis Update 2017. Facing the Challenges, Weimar, 07.9.2017.
Contact Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke Fakult?t für Gesundheit, Department Pflegewissenschaft, Stockumerstr. 12, D-58453 Witten, Raum D 42, Telefon: +49 2302 926-292 Email:
Anna M?ller, M.A. Management im Gesundheitswesen; B.A. Pflegewissenschaft

Social inequalities in the management of home care arrangements
In Germany, caregiving for someone at home is mostly in the hands of informal carers, i.e. relatives. To be able to take advantage of professional health care, considerable financial, social or cultural resources are required. This Grounded Theory study addresses the importance given to these resources in the management of home care arrangements and also the extent to which dependency on these resources results in social inequality. The findings can be used in the future to offer specific support for those families concerned.
M?ller, A., Osterfeld, A., Büscher, A. (2013): Soziale Ungleichheit in der ambulanten Pflege. In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 46 (4): S. 312-316
Bode, Annika; Büscher, Andreas; Daugardt, Katja; Dorin, Lena; Falkson, Sandra; Hellmers, Claudia; Kapsch, Katharina; Ke?ler, Riccardo; Knecht, Christiane; Kuhr, Claudia; Metzing, Sabine; M?ller, Anna; Niessen, Karin; Roling, Maren; Schnepp, Wilfried; S?hngen, Julia; Sorber, Michaela; Stelzig, Stephanie; Strack, Kirsti; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, Friederike; Werner-Bierwisch, Therese (2015): Das Forschungskolleg ?FamiLe“ Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf. 3. Internationale Fachtagung des Verbund Hebammenforschung ?Geburt weiter denken“ 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, 27.11.2015
Contact 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, Fakult?t füt Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postanschrift: Forschungskolleg FamiLe, Caprivistr. 30a, D-49076 Osnabrück/ Besucheranschrift: Seadanstr. 1, D-49076 Osnabrück, Raum S 1 0207, Telefon: +49 541 969-7179 Email:
Karin Niessen, Dipl. Pflegep?dagogin (FH)

Experiences of women of very advanced age in the transition to motherhood
Late motherhood is not a new phenomenon but is, however, an increasing one with particular challenges for the women. This research focuses on the experiences of middle-aged women in the transition to motherhood, centering on the importance of social and health aspects from the view of the women concerned. The study is based on qualitative interviews with women who have become mothers at the age of ≥ 40 years. It is intended to use the findings from this study to develop both promoting and preventive health measures.
More information Informationsflyer.
Niessen K., Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2017): Mutterschaft ab 35 Jahren: Das Altersrisiko in der Wahrnehmung von Frauen – eine Literaturstudie / Motherhood at the age of 35 and over: The risk of advanced maternal age as perceived by women - a literature study. Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 221(3): 111-121.
Niessen, K.; Metzing, S.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe". Das Erleben von Frauen in sehr fortgeschrittenem Alter im ?bergang zur Mutterschaft, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Niessen, K., Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2017): Experiences in Transition to Motherhood Made by Women of Very Advanced Maternal age - A Literature Review. 31 st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18.-22.6.2017.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Niessen, K., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2017): The Experiences of Security during Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Literature Review. 31st ICM Triennial Congress Toronto, Canada, 18.-22.6.2017.
Contact 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postanschrift: Forschungskolleg FamiLe, Caprivistr. 30a, D-49076 Osnabrück/ Besucheranschrift: Barbarastr. 24, D-49076 Osnabrück, Raum BA 0106, Telefon: +49 541 969-7285 Email:
Martina Schlüter-Cruse, Dipl. Berufsp?dagogin (FH)

Cooperative activities of free-lance midwives in Early Prevention Networks in Germany
Currently in Germany the cross-systems cooperation between professional groups in the health services and in child and youth welfare is being discussed as a central objective in the context of establishing Early Prevention support services. In the Early Prevention Networks, free-lance midwives are seen as important partners. This research project investigates the cooperation of free-lance midwives with other professional groups in the health and social welfare systems. The qualitative study is based on interviews with free-lance midwives in Germany. The results can be used to achieve a broad understanding of the cooperation of free-lance midwives in Early Prevention on the basis of the changing needs of women and families.
Schlüter-Cruse, M. & Jonas, W. (2017): Auf Kooperationskurs. Forschungsbesuch am Karolinska Institut. Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift, 69 (7), 78–83.
Schlüter-Cruse, M., Schnepp, W., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2016): Interprofessional cooperation by midwives in the field of out-of-hospital obstetrical care: an integrative review/ Interprofessionelle Kooperation von Hebammen im Handlungsfeld der ambulanten geburtshilflichen Versorgung: ein integratives Review. International Journal of Health Professions, 3(2), 136-152, doi:10.1515/ijhp-2016-0025.
Schlüter-Cruse, M., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu, Schnepp, W. (2016): Die Kooperation von Hebammen im Kontext der ambulanten Versorgung – Ergebnisse einer Literaturstudie. Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft (J Midwifery Sci). 04 (Suppl. 01), 25-27. doi: 10.3205/16dghwi13.
Schlüter-Cruse, M., Haldenwang, U. (2015): Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf. Bericht zur gleichnamigen Fachtagung im November 2014. Witten/Herdecke. Kooperationsverbund gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit. Verfügbar unter: [15.03.17]
Schlüter-Cruse, M.; Schnepp, W.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. (2017): F?rdernde und hemmende Einflüsse auf die interprofessionelle Kooperation von Hebammen in der au?erklinischen Versorgung – Ergebnisse eines integrativen Reviews. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin, 06.10.2017.
Schlüter-Cruse, M., Schnepp, W., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2017): Cooperative activities of free-lance midwives in Early prevention networks in Germany: Chances and challenges. Care4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress, Antwerpen, 09.02.2017.
Schlüter-Cruse, M., Schnepp, W., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2015): Interprofessionelle Kooperation in den Frühen Hilfen – (k)ein Thema für Hebammen? 3. Internationale Fachtagung – Geburtshilfe weiter Denken, Osnabrück, 27.11.2015.
Schlüter-Cruse, M., Schumann, M., Schnepp, W., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2015): Early Prevention: Multidisciplinary Cooperation as a Challenge for Midwifery in Germany. 3rd International Staff Week. In the field of Early Life Family Care, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Klagenfurt, 07.05.2015.
Schlüter-Cruse, M.; Schnepp, W.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. (2016): Hebammen und das Versorgungskonzept Frühe Hilfen – Samplingstrategien im Forschungsprozess. Forschungsworkshop der Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe (HGH), Hamburg, 01.05.2016.
Schlüter-Cruse, M.; Schnepp, W.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. (2016): Die Kooperation von Hebammen im Kontext der ambulanten Versorgung – Ergebnisse einer Literaturstudie. 3. Internationale Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hebammenwissenschaft e.V., Fulda, 12.02.2016.
Schlüter-Cruse, M.; Schnepp, W.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. (2015): Hebammen in den Frühen Hilfen? Eine qualitative Untersuchung. Armut und Gesundheit. Der Public Health Kongress in Deutschland, Berlin, 05.-06.03.2015.
Contact 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postanschrift: Forschungskolleg FamiLe, Caprivistr. 301, 49076 D-Osnabrück/Besucheranschrift: Barbarastr. 24, D-49076 Osnabrück, Raum BA 0206, Tel.: +49 541 969-3665, Email:
Maren Roling, M.Sc. Pflegewissenschaft; B.A. Pflegewissenschaft

Insight into the lives of former young carers from their perspective as adults
This research focuses on the lives of former young carers from their perspective as adults, with particular focus on how they experience their familial situation and how that experience influences their present life. The study has a qualitative design based on the Grounded Theory in order to reconstruct the social reality of former young carers and to discover more about their needs, resulting in outlining the professional support required.
Roling, M.; Hellmers, C.; Metzing, S. (2016). Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Einsicht in die Lebenswelt ehemalig pflegender Kinder und Jugendlicher aus ihrer Perspektive als Erwachsene, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Contact Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke Fakult?t für Gesundheit, Department für Pflegewissenschaften, Stockumer Str. 12, D-58453 Witten, Raum D 42, Telefon: +49 2302 926-294 Email:
Julia S?hngen, MScN; BScN

Extremely preterm infants on neonatal ICUs: the experiences of the parents and how they cope
The parents of extremely preterm infants are the focal point of this study. The aim is to determine the experiences and specific burdens of parents whose children are born extremely prematurely and are cared for on a neonatal intensive care ward. Participatory observations and guideline-supported interviews with parents of extremely preterm infants will be carried out, with the further aim of identifying and describing the coping strategies of the parents.
S?hngen, J.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. ?Extrem" frühgeborene Kinder auf der neonatologischen Intensivstation: Das Erleben und Bew?ltigungshandeln von Eltern, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21. 10. 2016.
S?hngen, J.; Sorber, M.; Knecht, C.; zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Becoming parents to early. The experience of parents with preterm infants when staying in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The European Doctoral Conference in Nursing Science. Bern, 17.09.2016.
Contact Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke Fakult?t für Gesundheit, Department für Pflegewissenschaft, Stockumer Str. 12, D-58453 Witten, Raum D 42, Telefon: +49 2302 926-291 Email:
Michaela Sorber, M.Sc. Pflegewissenschaft; B.A. Pflegep?dagogik

New forms of partnership for couples confronted with chronic illness
Confronted with a chronic illness, couples have to deal with many demands and changes in their relationship and often need to reconstruct their partnership. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to examine the impact of a chronic illness on couples’ relationships and to analyse the various accompanying partnership constructions. In this Grounded Theory study, narrative interviews are carried out with partners who have experienced a chronic illness in their relationship. The objective is to gain knowledge about the diverse and alternative partnership constructions in relation to chronic illness.
Sorber, M.; Kapsch, K.; Knecht, C.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Couples faced with chronic illness: A literature review about the phenomenon ?concurrent relationships“, Conference Proceedings of the X. International Nursing Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava:188-195.
Kapsch, K.; Sorber, M.; Dorin, L.; Schnepp, W.; Büscher, A. (2016): Homeless people: A literature review on the experiences with nursing care in the context of health problems, Conference Proceedings of the X. International Nusring Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava:93-99.
Sorber, M.; Kapsch, K.; Knecht, C.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2017): Constructions Of Partner Relationship In Couples Faced With Chronic Illness. 13th International Family Nursing Conference. “The Art and Science of Family Nursing: Transforming Health for Families”, Pamplona, 15.06.2017.
Sorber, M.; Kapsch,K; Knecht, C.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2017): Alternative Konstruktionen von Paarbeziehungen bei chronischer Krankheit: Eine Analyse partnerschaftlicher Gestaltungs- und Herstellungsleistungen im Kontext chronischer Krankheit. Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektionen Famliensoziologie und Medizin- und Gesundheitssoziologie zum Thema Familie und Gesundheit an der Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg, 20.-21.02.2017.
Knecht, C.; Sorber, M.; Hellmers, C.; Metzing, S. (2017): Familienarbeit - der Beitrag gesunder Geschwister von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit chronischer Krankheit. Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektionen Famliensoziologie und Medizin- und Gesundheitssoziologie zum Thema Familie und Gesundheit an der Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg, 20.-21.02.2017.
Sorber, M.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Fachtagung ?Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe“. Neue Formen von Partnerschaft bei chronischer Krankheit, Universit?t Witten/Herdecke, 21.10.2016.
Sorber, M.; Kapsch, K.; Knecht, C.; Büscher, A.; Schnepp, W. (2016): Couples faced with chronic illness: A literature review about the phenomenon ?concurrent relationships“. X. International Nursing Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava, 26.5.2016.
Kapsch, K.; Sorber, M.; Dorin, L.; Schnepp, W.; Büscher, A. (2016): Homeless people: A literature review on the experiences with nursing care in the context of health problems. X. International Nursing Symposium Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, Ostrava, 26.5.2016.
Contact Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke Fakult?t für Gesundheit, Department für Pflegewissenschaft, Stockumer Str. 12, D-58453 Witten, Raum D 42, Telefon: +49 2302 926-291 Email: