Health Informatics Research Group

Prof. Dr. Ursula Hübner
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Medical and health informatics and quantitative methods
Phone +49(0)541 969-2012 | | Room CB 0210 / CF 0214 |

Prof. Dr. Jan-David Liebe, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Digital Society
Phone +49(0)541 969-7019 | | Room CO 0102 |
Scientific Team

Uwe Buddrus
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969- | | Room CO 0102 |

Dr. med. Dorothee Busch
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969- | | Room CO 0106 |
Research projects
Postdoc in the graduate school Health & Living (project CarLa)

Dr. phil. Nicole Egbert, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-3252 | | Room CO 0103 |
Research projects
CarLa - The Osnabrück Career Path to a UAS Professorship
Future Skills.Applied
Future Lab Health

Kaya G?rtner, M.Sc.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-7273 | | Room CO 0107 |
Research projects
PA.H| - Health of performing artists - development and analysis of risk profiles and predictive models

J?rg Ha?mann, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-3069 | | Room CO 0107 |
Research projects:
AIPOQUE - AI-enabled Procurement of Quality Endoprosthetics

Annika Hering, M.Sc.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969- | | Room CO 0107 |
Research projects:
QQIT - Quality of patient care through quality of IT

Florian Kücking, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Telefon +49(0)541 969-3471 | | Raum CO 0105 |
Future Lab Health
QQIT - Quality of patient care through quality of IT

Jan-Oliver Kutza, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969- | | Room CO 0107 |
Research projects
AId4Childen - AI based decision support for child abuse and neglect risk assessment in simulation scenarios based on a digital twin

Saskia Kr?ner, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-3275 | | Room CO 0105 |
Research projects
AIPOQUE - AI-enabled Procurement of Quality Endoprosthetics
Doctorade candidate in the graduate school Health & Living (project CarLa)

Christin Lüttmann, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
GesundheitsCampus Osnabrück
Phone +49(0)15788 754288 | | Room CB -103A |
Research projects
GesundheitsCampus Osnabrück

Leila Malihi, M.Sc.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969- | | Room CO 0105 |
Research projects
AIPOQUE - AI-enabled Procurement of Quality Endoprosthetics
Health of performing artists - developing and analysing risk profiles and predictive models using artificial intelligence

Dr. phil. Laura Naumann, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-3156 | | Room CO 0104 |

Mareike Przysucha, M.Sc.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-3354 | | Room CO 0108 |
Research projects
AIPOQUE - AI-enabled Procurement of Quality Endoprosthetics
Method consulting of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

Jana Strate, M.Sc.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969- | | Room CO 0104 |
Research projects
CAEHR - Digital Progess Hub Health "Cardiovascular diseases - improving healthcare through cross-esctor integration of routine data"

Dr. rer. medic. Johannes Thye, M.A.
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Phone +49(0)541 969-7084 | | Room CO 0106 |
Assistant professor
Research projects:
CarLa - The Osnabrück Career Path to a UAS Professorship
- Dr. Georg Schulte
- Ivanna Yalymova, M.Sc.
- Dr. Moritz Esdar
- Dr. Jens Hüsers
- Julia Maischak, B.A.
- Dr. rer. nat. Jens Rauch
- Dr. rer. pol. Jan-Patrick Wei?
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Flemming
- Di Wu, M.A.
- Matthias-Christopher Straede, M.A.
- Eva Cruel, M.A.
- Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Sellemann, Dipl.-Pflegewirt (FH)
- Dr. Carsten Giehoff, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)
- Dipl. Wirt. Ing. (FH) Frank Lay, M.A.