Prof. Dr. Petia Genkova Petkova Wirtschaftspsychologie
- Telefon
- +49(0)541 969-3772
- p.genkova@hs-osnabrueck.de
- Abteilung
- Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Raum
- CF313
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- Beschreibung
- Professorin Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 9/2013 to 3/2015: Director of International Affairs, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
- Winter Semester 2012/13: KIVA Guest Professorship W2 (Gender/STEM, Teacher Education/STEM, Internationality/Interculturality), Technical University Darmstadt
- Since 10/2012: Professor (W2) of Business Psychology, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
- 06/2011 to 09/2012: Professor (W2) of Organizational and Social Psychology, Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences, Brühl
- 04/2011 to 05/2011: Professor (W2) of Psychology, University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden
- 07/2008: Privatdozent – Habilitation, Teaching Qualification in Psychology and Intercultural Communication, University of Passau
- Since 2003: Trainings/Coaching: Focus on Communication, Conflict Mediation, Group Efficiency; Assessment Centers, Intercultural Communication
- 2002: Ph.D. in Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
- 1998: M.A. in Cultural Studies (equivalent to Cultural Anthropology), Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
- 1997: M.A. in Psychology (equivalent to Diploma in Psychology), Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
- 1996: Bachelor’s in Psychology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Diversity-Management – Grundlagen und Anwendungsbereiche für die Polizeiarbeit. In M. Staller, S. K?rner, S. Schade (Hrsg.), Handbuch Führung in der Polizei. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Diskriminierung und Gleichbehandlung: Auf dem Weg zu einer Diversity-orientierten und interkulturell kompetenten Polizeiarbeit.[Discrimination and Equality: The road to a diversity-oriented and interculaturally competence police]. In M. Staller, S. K?rner, S. Schade (Hrsg.), Handbuch Führung in der Polizei. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Perspektiven für Führungskr?fte in der Polizei. [Intercultural competence: Perspectives for Leadership Positions in the Police]. In M. Staller, S. K?rner, S. Schade (Hrsg.), Handbuch Führung in der Polizei. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2024). Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Wolf, S. (2024). Preface – Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspectives. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2024). Diversity Competence and Leadership Personality. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2024). Migration and success: Conditions for success and obstacles. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. (2024). Challenges of Recent Diversity Management in Germany: A Case Study. In A. Lerro, D. Carlucci, G. Schiuma (Hrsg.), Proceedings IFKAD: Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics. Institute of Knowledge Asset Management (IKAM).
Genkova, P. & Gassel, G. (2024). Die Auswirkungen von Feedback auf Lernbereitschaft und Wechseltendenz von Arbeitnehmern und Studierenden (The Impact of Feedback on Learning Willingness and Tendency to Change among Employees and Students). Gruppe, Interaktion, Organisation (Group, Interaction, Organization), online. 10.1007/s11612-024-00722-y
Genkova, P. (2024). Handbuch Globale Kompetenz [Handbook Global Competence]. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Messen interkultureller psychischer Aspekte [Measuring intercultural psychological phenomena]. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbuch Globale Kompetenz [Handbook Global Competence]. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Interkulturalit?t aus Psychologischer Perspektive [Interculturality from a cross-cultural perspective]. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbuch Globale Kompetenz [Handbook Global Competence]. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Streben nach Glück als globale Vorstellung und Kompetenz [Searching for Happiness as global idea and as competence]. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbuch Globale Kompetenz [Handbook Global Competence]. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2024). Diversity und Diversity-Management [Diversity and Diversity Management]. In P. Genkova (Hrsg.), Handbuch Globale Kompetenz [Handbook Global Competence]. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P., & Schreiber, H. (2023). If You Like One, You Like Them All? The Relationship of Intercultural Competence, Contact, and Xenophobia. International Journal of Diversity in Education, 23(2).
Genkova, P. & Wolf, S. (2023). Wann wollen wir helfen? Offene und subtile Vorurteile, interkulturelle Kompetenz und prosoziales Wissen [When to help? Blatant and subtle prejudices, intercultural competence and prosocial knowledge]. Zeitschrift für Sozialmanagement [Journal for Socialmanagement], 1, 81-103.
Genkova, P. (2023). Interkulturelle und soziale Kompetenzen bei Studierenden [Intercultural and social competences of students]. Zeitschrift für Sozialmanagement [Journal for Socialmanagement], 1, 13-33.
Genkova, P. & Schaefer, C. D. (2023). Acculturation Preferences of Majority Members in Relation on to Their Intercultural Competence and Identifications. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), 100671. doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100671
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. & Schneider, J. (2023). Der Einfluss von Gruppenkontakten bei Auslandsaufenthalten auf Fremdenfeindlichkeit [The role of intergroup contact during stays abroad for xenophobia], Tertium Comparationis Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft, 29(2), 141–160.
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., F?ssler, V. (2023). The role of parenting styles for the relationship of stays abroad, self-efficacy and intercultural competence. Intercultural Education. doi.org/10.1080/14675986.2023.2187347
Genkova, P. (2023). Wellbeing and Culture [Lebenszufriedenheit und Kultur]. In J. Sautenmeister (Hrsg.), Handbuch Ethik und Psychologie (in press).
Semke, E., Theobald, W. & Genkova, P. (2023) Stereotype Thrat And Faultlines based on Cultural Diversity in Engineering Education in Germany. The International Journal of Engineering Education (submitted).
Genkova, P. Schaefer, C. D. (2023). The effects of Intercultural Competence and Identifications on Attitudes towards Immigrants. International Journal of intercultural relations (submitted).
Genkova, P. und Schreiber, H. (2023). Diversity Attitudes and Intercultural Competence – Factors for a Succesful Diversity Management. Employee Relations (submitted).
Genkova, P., Sch?fer, C. D., Schmitt, A. (2023). The influence of gender and experiences abroad on xenophobia and European identity and the role of intercultural personality traits as potential mediators (Der Einfluss des Geschlechts und von Auslandserfahrungen auf Ausl?nderfeindlichkeit und europ?ische Identit?t sowie die Rolle von interkulturelle Pers?nlichkeitseigenschaften als potentielle Mediatoren). Internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (submitted).
Genkova, P. & Schubert, E (2023). Interactions between intercultural competence and sociocultural adaption for successful international assignments. European Journal of Education (submitted).
Genkova, P. (2023). Big gifts may be bad for business - The influence of cultural patterns on the concept and extent of corruption in Germany and Java (Indonesia). International Journal of Public Opinion Research (submitted).
Genkova, P. & Groesdonk, A. (2023). Global Citizens? The influence of social identity, intercultural competence and acculturation strategies on prejudices against migrants depending on the extent of contact (Globale Bürger? Der Einfluss von sozialer Identit?t, interkultureller Kompetenz und Akkulturationsstrategien auf Vorurteile gegenüber Migranten in Abh?ngigkeit des Kontaktausma?es). Intercultural Journal (submitted).
Genkova, P. & Flohr, B. (2023). Influence of Social Competence and Social Identity on Intercultural Competence of School Pupils and Students. European journal of education (submitted).
Genkova, P. & Gassel, G. (2023). The effects of feedback on willingness to learn and change tendency of employees and students (Die Auswirkungen von Feedback auf Lernbereitschaft und Wechseltendenz von Arbeitnehmern und Studierenden). Arbeit (submitted).
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2023). The impact of a stay abroad on the intercultural competence of students (Die Auswirkung eines Auslandsaufenthaltes auf die interkulturelle Kompetenz von Studierenden). Interculture Journal (submitted).
Genkova, P., Schaefer, C. D., Schmitt, A. (2023). The influence of gender and stays abroad on xenophobia and European identity and the role of multicultural personality traits as potential mediators Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (submitted).
Genkova, P. & Hasse, L. (2023). Impact of Imagined Contact on Intergroup Fear and Behavioural Intentions of German Students Towards Guest Auditors with Refugee Status (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Go International - Variables influencing internationalization and diversity in companies - a case study (Go International – Einflussvariablen für die Internationalisierung und Diversity im Unternehmen – eine Case Study) (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Work-life balance during studies: an empirical study of stress-related burdens in students of three disciplines (Work-Life-Balance im Studium: eine empirische Untersuchung von stressbedingten Belastungen bei Studierenden dreier Fachrichtungen). (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Who needs intercultural competence? – Critical consideration of training and educational measures for intercultural competence in schools (Wer braucht die Interkulturelle Kompetenz? – Kritische Betrachtung von Trainings- und Bildungsma?nahmen für Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Schule). (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Lifelong learning or quality assurance in university didactics? An evaluation study of training measures for newly appointed university lecturers (Lebenslanges Lernen oder über Qualit?tssicherung in der Hochschuldidaktik? Eine Evaluationsstudie von Trainingsma?nahmen bei neuberufenen Hochschullehrenden). (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Importance of human resource manager?s attitudes towards diversity for the valuation of diversity. (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Is Cultural Intelligence a new Approach of Competence? (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Stress and job satisfaction during your studies? A comparative study of students in modularized and non-modularized courses (Belastungen und Arbeitszufriedenheit im Studium? Eine vergleichende Untersuchung bei Studierenden in modularisierten und nicht-modularisierten Studieng?ngen). (in preparation).
Genkova, P. (2023). Intercultural Competence and studying abroad: Does studying abroad influence the promotion of competence? Journal of cross-cultural management (submitted).
Genkova, P. (2023). Importance of human resource managers‘ attitudes towards diversity for the valuation of diversity. Journal of Political Psychology (submitted).
Genkova, P. (2023). Performing in a multi-cultural context: The role of personality and competence. European Psychologist (in preparation).
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2022). Diversity Attitudes and Sensitivity of Employees and Leaders in the German STEM-Sector. In G. Schiuma, P. Demartini, M.-R. Yan (edts.), Proceedings IFKAD 2022, Lugano, Switzerland (pp. 1422-1434). Basilicata: University of Basilicata, Institute of Knowledge Asset Management.
Genkova, P., Herbst, J., Schreiber, H., Ra?ticová, M., Poor, J., Veresné, K. V., Suhajda, C., Viszetenvelt, A. & Bjekic, J. (2022). A comparative study on culture-specific and cross-cultural aspects of intercultural relations in Hungary, Serbia, Czech Republic, and Germany. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 886100. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.886100
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2022). Diversity attitudes and sensitivity of employees and leaders in the German STEM-sector. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 960163. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.960163
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2022). Accept and Apply Diversity? (Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? – Ergebnisse eines Projektes zur F?rderung der Diversity Einstellung im MINT Sektor). In Rehmer, S., Eickholt, C. (Hrsg.), 22. Workshop Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit, Transfer von Sicherheit und Gesundheit. Kr?ning, Asanger.
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. & Hegemann, J. (2022). Selfassessed religiosity, intercultural personality and xenophobia (Selbsteingesch?tzte Religiosit?t, Interkulturelle Pers?nlichkeit und Ausl?nderfeindlichkeit). Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41682-022-00125-0
Genkova, P. (2022). Interkulturel Communication and Competence (Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kompetenz). In A. Behrmann, K. Riekenbrauk, I. Stahlke, G. Temme (Hrsg.), Handbuch Psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung (pp. 210-228). K?ln: Sack.
Genkova, P., Bonacina, I. (2022). Interkulturelle Pers?nlichkeitsmerkmale und Fremdenfeindlichkeit. Diversit?tsforschung- und Management, 1, 103-107. https://doi.org/10.3224/zdfm.v7i1.16
Genkova, P., Semke, E., Schreiber, H. (2022). Accept and Apply Diversity? Practical Implication for the Diversity Management (Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2022). Diversity und Diversity Management: Ein kritischer ?berblick (Diversity and Diversity Management: A Critical Overview). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 3-18).
Genkova, P. (2022). Diversity Kompetenz und Führungspers?nlichkeit (Diversity Competence and Leadership Personality). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 19-43).
Genkova, P. (2022). Migration und Erfolg: Gelingensbedingungen und Hindernisse (Migration and Success: Conditions for Success and Obstacles). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 45-73).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. (2022). Sind MINT-Studierende anders? Relevanz von Diversity Aspekten und Diversity (Are STEM Students Different? The Relevance of Diversity Aspects and Diversity). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 17-138).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., Semke, E. (2022). Sind MINT-Studierende Global Player? Pr?diktoren von Diversity Beliefs bei MINT-Studierenden in Deutschland (Are STEM Students Global Players? Predictors of Diversity Beliefs among STEM Students in Germany). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 139-170).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., F?ssler, V. (2022). Die Rolle von Erziehungsstilen für den Zusammenhang von Auslandsaufenthalten, Selbstwirksamkeit und interkultureller Kompetenz (The Role of Parenting Styles in the Relationship between Study Abroad, Self-Efficacy, and Intercultural Competence). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 179-197).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., Schneider, J. (2022). Je mehr desto besser? – Der Einfluss von studienorientierten Auslandsaufenthalten auf Fremdenfeindlichkeit unter Berücksichtigung der Aufenthaltsdauer, interkulturellen Kompetenz und Kontaktqualit?t (The More the Better? - The Influence of Study-Related Abroad Stays on Xenophobia Considering the Duration of Stay, Intercultural Competence, and Quality of Contact). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 199-219).
Genkova, P., Hasse, L. (2022). Auswirkungen von imaginiertem Kontakt auf Einstellungen, Vorurteile, Intergruppenangst und Verhaltensabsichten deutscher Studierender gegenüber Gasth?renden mit Geflüchteten-Status (Effects of Imagined Contact on Attitudes, Prejudices, Intergroup Anxiety, and Behavioral Intentions of German Students Towards Auditors with Refugee Status). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 221-239).
Genkova, P. (2022). Intercultural Competence and Studying Abroad: Does Studying Abroad Influence the Promotion of Intercultural Competence?. In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 241-254).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. (2022). Diversity im Arbeitsalltag: Eine Perspektive von Mitarbeitenden in der MINT-Branche (Diversity in Daily Work: A Perspective from Employees in the STEM Sector). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 257-281).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. (2022). Diversity und Führung? Eine branchenspezifische Analyse zu Diversity Einstellungen von Führungskr?ften (Diversity and Leadership? An Industry-Specific Analysis of Diversity Attitudes of Managers). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 301-327).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., Semke, E. (2022). Einheit in der Vielfalt? Kritische Betrachtung von Diversity Orientierung anhand empirischer Ergebnisse (Unity in Diversity? A Critical Examination of Diversity Orientation Based on Empirical Results). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 367-397).
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., Semke, E. (2022). Diversity nutzen und annehmen: Leitfaden (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity: A Guide). In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (eds.), Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? Practical Implications for Diversity Management). Wiesbaden: Springer (pp. 399-400).
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2022). Using and accepting diversity - An investigation into diversity attitudes in STEM studies (Diversity nutzen und annehmen - Eine Untersuchung zu Diversity-Einstellungen im MINT Studium). In Lindhaus, M., Bintz, G., Dutke, S., Roeder, U., Kr?mer, M., (Hrsg.), 14. Tagung für Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation. Aachen: Shaker.
Genkova, P. (2022). Diversity and Migration: A critical perspective (Diversity und Migration: Ein kritischer ?berblick). In H. Bierhoff. Manual of applied social psychology (Handbuch angewandte Sozialpsychologie). (pp. 329-344). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Genkova, P. & Grimmelsmann, M. (2022). Investigating Interculturality in Germany by means of Social Identity, Social Distance, Personality and Xenophobia. Journal of Migration and Development, 11(3), 314-333.
Genkova, P., & Schreiber, H. (2021). Diversity-oriented leadership- successfactor in the STEM-sector? [Diversity-orientierte Führung–Erfolgsfaktor im Mint-Bereich?]. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 28, 553–567. doi.org/10.1007/s11613-021-00735-2
Genkova, P., Schaefer, C. D.., Karch, L. (2021). Intergroup Contact as a Potential Path to Neutralize the Detrimental Effect of National Identification on Xenophobia in Germany. Int. Migration & Integration (2021). doi.org/10.1007/s12134-021-00919-w.
Genkova, P., Schaefer, C.D., Bonacina, I. (2021). The Relationship between Intercultural Personality Traits and Xenophobia in Italy and Germany: A Comparative Study. Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 10(4), 1-6. 10.35248/ 2319-8834.20.10.009
Genkova, P., & Schreiber, H. (2021). Stays abroad and intercultural competence of students. European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 5(3), 271-286. doi/abs/10.1504/EJCCM.2021.116888
Genkova, P. & Pollinger, J. (2021). The Reintegration Process of Development Workers. Journal of International Migration and Integration. doi.org/10.1007/s12134-021-00849-7
Genkova, P. & Groesdonk, A. (2021). Culture Change? - Attitudes towards Refugees under the Influence of Social Identity, Cultural Intelligence, Intercultural Contact and Acculturation Strategies. The Journal of International Migration and Integration. doi.org/10.1007/s12134-021-00872-8
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H. & Schneider, J. (2021). Contacts during a stay abroad and xenophobia – duration of stay, contact quality and intercultural competence as predictors of xenophobia. Current Psychology https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01298-8
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2021). Accept and Apply Diversity? An exploratory study of the attitudes towards diversity of students of STEM subjects. SN Social Sciences 1 (58), 1-22. doi.org/10.1007/s43545-021-00064-2
Genkova, P. & Kruse, L. (2021). Stays abroad as competence-school? An empirical investigation of consequences of stays abroad for job related competences (Auslandsaufenthalt als Kompetenzschule? – Eine empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Auslandsaufenthalten auf die berufsbezogenen Kompetenzbereiche). Journal of applied organizational psychology (Zeitschrift für angewandte Organisationspsychologie), 1-12. doi.org/10.1007/s11612-021-00553-1
Genkova, P., Ringeisen, T. & Leong, F. T. L. (2021) (eds.). Manual Stress and Culture (Handbuch Stress und Kultur: interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven) 2. Edition. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag - Springer Fachmedien.
Genkova, P., Ringeisen, T., & Leong, F. T. L. (2021). Introduction. In P. Genkova, F.T.L. Leong, & T. Ringeisen (eds.), Manual Stress and Culture (Handbuch Stress und Kultur: interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven). 2. Edition. (pp. 5-13). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag - Springer Fachmedien.
Genkova, P. (2021). Culture comparing psychology. Subject, theoretic concepts and perspectives (Kulturvergleichende Psychologie: Gegenstand, theoretische Konzepte und Perspektiven). In P. Genkova, T. Ringeisen, & F.T.L. Leong (eds.), Manual Stress and Culture (Handbuch Stress und Kultur: interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven). 2. Edition (pp. 19-41). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag - Springer Fachmedien .
Genkova, P. (2021). Cultural Dimensions and subjective Well-being (Kulturelle Dimensionen und subjektives Wohlbefinden im Kulturvergleich). In P. Genkova, F.T.L. Leong, & T. Ringeisen (eds.), Manual Stress and Culture (Handbuch Stress und Kultur: interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven). 2. Edition. (pp. 315-339). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Genkova, P. (2021). Intercultural Trainings: A critical review (Interkulturelle Trainings: Eine kritische Betrachtung). In P. Genkova, F.T.L. Leong, & T. Ringeisen (eds.), Manual Stress and Culture (Handbuch Stress und Kultur: interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven). 2. Edition. (pp. 585-602). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Genkova, P. (2021). Migration and Culture Shock: Psychological Aspects of Migration (Migration und Kulturschock: Psychologische Aspekte der Migration). In P. Genkova, F.T.L. Leong, & T. Ringeisen (eds.), Manual Stress and Culture (Handbuch Stress und Kultur: interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven). 2. Edition. (pp. 701-727). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2021). Accept and Utilize Diversity? An explorative investigation of STEM Students? Diversity Attitudes (Diversity nutzen und annehmen? Eine explorative Untersuchung der Einstellungen zu Diversity von Studierenden der MINT-F?cher). ZDfm – Zeitschrift für Diversit?tsforschung und -management, 1, 74-88. https://doi.org/10.3224/zdfm.v6i1.10
Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., G?de, M. (2021). Interculturality and Social Skills? Relationships of the stays abroad of students of different faculties with intercultural and social competence. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology ce. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 1– 15. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2513
Genkova, P. & Gassel, G. (2021). The effects of feedback on willingness to learn and the propensity to move of employees and students. The International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning 28 (2), 17-30. doi:10.18848/2328-6318/CGP/v28i02/17-30.
Genkova, P., Schaefer, C. D., Schreiber, H., Rasticova, M., Poor, J., Veresné, K. V., Suhajda, C., Viszetenvelt, A., Bjekic, J. (2021). Scale Characteristics of Intercultural Competence Measures and the Effects of Intercultural Competence on Prejudice. Front. Psychol. 12:686597. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.686597.
Genkova, P., Semke, E., Schreiber, H. (2021). Accept and Apply Diversity? Practical implications for Diversity Management (Diversity
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2020). The Consequences of the Corona Crisis on Group-Conflict and Prejudice (Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf Gruppenkonflikte und Vorurteile). Journal of Political Psychology (Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie), 8(1), 112-127.
Genkova, P. & Whitting, A. (2020). The sense of intercultural trainings without ongoing coaching (Die Sinnhaftigkeit von interkulturellen Trainings ohne prozessbegleitendes Coaching). Journal of Education Research (Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung) 3, 431–451. doi.org/10.1007/s40955-020-00168-x
Genkova, P. & Kruse, L. (2020). Stays Abroad as Cultural Experience and Employability Competence. Leadership, Education, Personality: An interdisciplinary Journal. DOI 10.1365/s42681-020-00014-1
Genkova, P. & Grimmelsmann, M. (2020). Alternative Facts or Reality? Attitudes towards Diversity and Interculturality (Alternative Fakten oder Realit?t? Einstellungen zu Diversity und Interkulturalit?t). Social Psychology and Group Dynamics in Business and Society (Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft), 45(1), 3-15.
Riecken, A., Genkova, P., Sanabria, A. M. (2020) Migration, acculturation and integration: Why should we talk about success? (Migration, Akkulturation und Integration: Warum sollten wir uns mit Erfolg besch?ftigen?) In Genkova, P. & Riecken, A. (eds.), Manual Migration and Success (Handbuch Migration und Erfolg). (S. 3-30). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2020) Migration stress or success? Overview over short- and long-term orientated approaches in migration research (Migrationsstress oder Migrationserfolg? ?berblick über kurz- und langfristige Migrationsans?tze). In Genkova, P. & Riecken, A. (eds.) Manual Migration and Success (Handbuch Migration und Erfolg). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2020) Intercultural competence: A critical perspective (Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Kritische Betrachtung eines Konstrukts). In Genkova, P. & Riecken, A. (eds.), Manual Migration and Success (Handbuch Migration und Erfolg) (S.121-136). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. & Pollinger, J. (2020). The Reintegration Process of Debelopment Workers (Der Reintegrationsprozess von Entwicklungshelfern). Journal of non-profit management (Fachzeitschrift für Verbands- und Nonprofit management), 20 (2), 52-62.
Genkova, P. & F?ssler, V. (2020). Stay abroad as a trend? The interrelation of parenting styles, stayes abroad, personality and intercultural attitudes [Trend Auslandsaufenthalt? Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erziehungsstilen, Auslandsaufenthalten, Pers?nlichkeitsmerkmalen und Merkmalen der interkulturellen Einstellung]. In M. Kr?mer, J. Zumbach, I. Deibl (Eds.) Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XIII. Düren: Shaker Verlag.
Genkova, P. & Riecken, A. (2020). (eds.). Manual Migration and Success (Handbuch Migration und Erfolg). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2020). Migration and Diversity Potentials for the Labour Market. In D. Caganova & N. Hornakova (Eds.) Mobility Internet of Things 2018 (S. 507-521). Wiesbaden Springer.
Genkova, P. & Schubert, E. (2020). Interactions between intercultural competence and sociocultural adaptation for successful international assignments (Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Auslandsaufenthalt, interkultureller Kompetenz und soziokultureller Anpassung für Auslandsentsendungen). Journal of Applied organizational psychology (Zeitschrift für angewandte Organisationspsychologie) 51(1), 103-117.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2020). Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students. In IFKAD-Conference. Knowledge in Digital Age. Matera: IFKAD.
Genkova, P. (2020) Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organisations in the context of the demographical changes. In R. Trimpop, A. Fischbach, I. Seliger, A. Lynnyk, N. Kleineidam & A. Gro?e-J?ger (Hrsg.), PASIG. 21. Workshop Psychology of work security and health. Prevention of violence in working contexts! Münster: PASIG.
Genkova, P. (2020). Diversity Potentials for Organisations in the context of the demographical changes. In L. Onnasch & M. R?ttig (Eds.), GfA congress. Digital change, Digital work, Digital human? (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft. Frühjahrskongress. Digitaler Wandel, Digitale Arbeit, Digitaler Mensch?) Berlin: TU Berlin.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2020). Stays abroad and the intercultural competence of students. In L. Onnasch & M. R?ttig (Eds.), GfA congress. Digital change, Digital work, Digital human? (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft. Frühjahrskongress. Digitaler Wandel, Digitale Arbeit, Digitaler Mensch?) Berlin: TU Berlin.
Genkova, P. & Zimmermann, J. (2019). Welcome Culture?: Cultural Intelligence, contact and Social Orientation toward Refugees. Journal of Political Psychology, 7(1), 5-31.
Genkova, P. (2019). Diversity Beliefs and Leadership – as a Factor for Successful Diversity Management. Journal of Political Psychology, 7(1), 65-92.
Genkova, P. (2019) Diversity Potentials? An explorative study about the attitudes towards diversity and intercultural stress in German companies (Diversity Potenziale? Eine explorative Studie über Einstellungen zu Diversity nd interkulturellem Stress in Deutschen Unternehmen.) In F. Christandl (eds.). Special issue: 20 years of business psychology (Themenheft ?20 Jahre Wirtschaftspsychologie – Beitr?ge zur GWPs-Jahrestagung 2018 in Wernigerode“) (S. 50 – 64). Lengerich: Pabst.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2019). Diversity beliefs and Diversity Climate: Potentials for Organisations. In B. Covarubias-Venengas & A. Debray (Hrsg.) IACCM-I?SEG Conference. Intercultural competencies for a disruptive VUCA world: Exploring creativity, innovation, resilience & resistance in intercultural research, training & management. Paris: IESEG.
Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2019). Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students. In B. Covarubias-Venengas & A. Debray (Hrsg.) IACCM-I?SEG Conference. Intercultural competencies for a disruptive VUCA world: Exploring creativity, innovation, resilience & resistance in intercultural research, training & management. Paris: IESEG.
Genkova, P. (2019). Stress management strategies during studies: what patterns are visible? (Stressbewaeltigungsstrategien im Studium: welche Muster zeichnen sich auf?) In: Interdisciplinary work analysis - evaluation - design. Documentation of the 65th Industrial Science Congress at the Institute for Work and Health of the German Statutory Accident Insurance (IAG of the DGUV) in cooperation with the Institute for Technical Logistics and Work Systems (Arbeit interdisziplinaer analysieren - bewerten – gestalten. Dokumentation des 65. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen am Institut fuer Arbeit und Gesundheit der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IAG der DGUV) in Kooperation mit dem Institut fuer Technische Logistik und Arbeitssysteme), contribution C.8.4 (pp. 1-7). Dortmund: GfA Press.
Genkova, P. (2019). Pro Diversity - the solution for a successful company? (Pro Diversity – die Loesung fuer ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen?) In: Interdisciplinary work analysis - evaluation - design. Documentation of the 65th Industrial Science Congress at the Institute for Work and Health of the German Statutory Accident Insurance (IAG of the DGUV) in cooperation with the Institute for Technical Logistics and Work Systems (Arbeit interdisziplinaer analysieren - bewerten – gestalten. Dokumentation des 65. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen am Institut fuer Arbeit und Gesundheit der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IAG der DGUV) in Kooperation mit dem Institut fuer Technische Logistik und Arbeitssysteme), contribution C.2.3 (pp. 1-7). Dortmund: GfA Press.
Genkova, P. (2019). Intercultural Business Psychology – A Textbook (Interkulturelle Wirtschaftspsychologie- ein Lehrbuch). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Genkova, P. (2019). Diversity potentials? - An explorative study on attitudes towards diversity and intercultural stress in companies (Diversity-Potenziale? – Eine explorative Studie ueber Einstellungen zu Diversity und interkulturellen Stress in Unternehmen). Journal for Business psychology (Zeitschfrift für Wirtschaftspsychologie), 12 (1), 50-63.
Genkova, P. (2019). Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organisations. In G. Schiuma, P. Demartini, M.-R. Yan (Ed.). Proceedings IFKAD 2019. Knowledge Ecosystems and Growth (pp. 1422-1434). Arts for Business Institute, University of Basilicata, Institute of Knowledge Asset Management.
Genkova, P. & Preiser, S. (2019). Focus: Migration - not a burden, but an opportunity (Schwerpunktthema: Migration – keine Last, sondern eine Chance). Journal for Political Psychology (Zeitschrift fuer Politische Psychologie), 7 (1), 1-7.
Genkova, P. & Zimmermann, J. (2019). Welcome Culture?: Cultural Intelligence, Contact and Social Orientation towards Refugees. Journal for Political Psychology (Zeitschrift fuer Politische Psychologie), 7 (1), 8-22.
Genkova, P. (2019). Diversity Beliefs and Leadership – as a Factor for Successful Diversity Management. Journal for Political Psychology (Zeitschrift fuer Politische Psychologie), 7(1), 62-70.
Genkova, P. (2019). Intercultural communication and migration success (Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Migrationserfolg). In M. Stein (Ed.), Arrive - Welcome? Escape.migration in the mirror of current controversies (Ankommen - Willkommen? Flucht.Migration im Spiegel aktueller Kontroversen) (pp. 321-342). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt Publisher.
Genkova, P., Preiser, S. & Castner, C. (2019). Focus: Migration and success (Schwerpunktthema: Migration und Erfolg). Journal for Political Psychology (Zeitschrift fuer Politische Psychologie), 6(2), 179-181.
Keynotes and Panel Discussions:
2022 | Cult_Euro_1: interim presentation Genkova, P. Intercultural competence, the key to success? |
2020 | Conference of the network interculturality “Do Emojis smile differently in other cultures? Intercultural aspects of digital communication” Genkova, P. Do Emojis smile differently in other cultures? Intercultural aspects of digital communication |
2020 | Conference of the network diversity “Virtual Diversity? Aspects of Diversity in digital communication” Genkova, P. Virtual Diversity? Aspects of Diversity in digital communication |
2019 | German Female Academics Association e.V. (DAB) “"DAB Group DAB-DUS: Women and Leadership? A question of perspective” 07th November 2019 in Duesseldorf Genkova, P. Women and leadership? A question of perspective (Frauen und Fuehrung? Eine Frage der Perspektive) |
2019 | 11th Conference of the Section for Work, Organizational and Economic Psychology (AOW) of the German Society for Psychology “New Forms of Work in the Digitalized World - Strengthening the Competence for Change” 25-27th September 2019 in Brunswick Genkova, P. Stress and Migration: An empirical study on factors influencing intercultural success (Stress und Migration: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf Interkulturellen Erfolg) |
2019 | Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP) Psychology Day 2019 “Diversity and Psychological Practice: Dimensions and Impulses” 20th September 2019 in Berlin Genkova, P. Diversity and Interculturality (Diversity und Interkulturalitaet) |
2019 | Workshop of the German Pension Insurance on Migration Background in Rehabilitation and the World of Work 1st July 2019 in Bielefeld Genkova, P. Health and Culture: Psychological Aspects (Gesundheit und Kultur: Psychologische Aspekte) |
2019 | German Association of Women Academics e.V. (DAB) 25th June in Duesseldorf Genkova, P. Individualism/Collectivism using China as an example (Individualismus/Kollektivismus am Beispiel von China) |
2019 | International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) 2019 5-7th June in Matera, Italien Genkova, P. Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organisations |
2019 | International Week of the University of Trier 13th to 19th May 2019 in Trier Genkova, P. Intercultural Competence (Interkulturelle Kompetenz) |
2019 | University of Vechta Hoeffmann Science Prize Award for Intercultural Competence 7th February 2019 in Vechta Genkova, P. Intercultural competence - a key to success? (Interkulturelle Kompetenz – Ein Schluessel zum Erfolg?) |
2024 | IFKAD-Conference: Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics 12.-14. Juni 2024 in Madrid Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Challenges of Recent Diversity Management in Germany: A Case Study” |
2023 | 18th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) June 7-9, 2023, in Matera Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "What is Intercultural Competence and for Which Situations is it Necessary? Validation of the Content and Application Areas of a Test for Measuring General Intercultural Competence and Culture-Specific Competence" |
2023 | 69th Spring Congress on Sustainable Work and Learning - Analysis and Design of Learning-Friendly and Sustainable Work Systems, and Work and Learning Processes March 1-3, 2023, in Hannover Genkova, P. "What is Intercultural Competence and Who Needs It? - Validation of a Test for General and Culture-Specific Competence" |
2023 | 69th Spring Congress on Sustainable Work and Learning - Analysis and Design of Learning-Friendly and Sustainable Work Systems, and Work and Learning Processes March 1-3, 2023, in Hannover Genkova, P. "Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity? - Results of a Project to Promote Diversity Attitude in STEM Education" |
2023 | 13th Division Conference of Work, Organizational, and Engineering Psychology 2023 September 12-15, 2023, in Kassel Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "Ready for a Colorful World: Development of Micro-Interventions for Teaching to Promote Intercultural and Diversity Competence of Students (Micro-ID)" |
2023 | 13th Division Conference of Work, Organizational, and Engineering Psychology 2023 September 12-15, 2023, in Kassel Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "What is Intercultural Competence and Who Needs It? – An Explorative Study on the Attitudes of Students and Professionals Towards Construct Validity and External Validity of Intercultural Competence" |
2023 | 13th Division Conference of Work, Organizational, and Engineering Psychology 2023 September 12-15, 2023, in Kassel Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "Global Players and Global Attitudes? Attitudes Towards Cultural Diversity Among Employees in the STEM Sector" |
2023 | FGSP 2023. 18th Conference of the Division for Social Psychology September 11-13, 2023, in Graz Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "What is Intercultural Competence and for Which Situations is it Necessary? – Validation of the Content and Application Areas of a Test for Measuring General Intercultural Competence and Culture-Specific Competence" |
2023 | FGSP 2023. 18th Conference of the Division for Social Psychology September 11-13, 2023, in Graz Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "Intercultural Intelligence - A Cultural Comparison" |
2022 | 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society September 10-15, 2022, in Hildesheim Genkova, P. "Diversity Stress" |
2022 | 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society September 10-15, 2022, in Hildesheim Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "Benefiting from and Accepting Diversity: An Investigation of Diversity Attitudes and Their Effects on Personnel Selection" |
2022 | PASIG. 22nd Workshop Psychology of Occupational Safety and Health. Transfer of safety and health 05.-07.-09.2022 in Gera Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Using and Accepting Diversity? - Results of a project to promote diversity attitudes in the STEM sector" |
2022 | IFKAD Conference: Konwoledge Drivers for Resilience and Transformation 20-22 June 2022 in Lugano Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "Diversity Attitudes and Sensitivity of Employees and Leaders in the German STEM-Sector" |
2022 | 14th Symposium Psychology Didactics and Evaluation May 27-28, 2022 in Munster Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. "Using and accepting diversity - A study of diversity attitudes in MINT studies" |
2022 | Symposium Ludwigsburg January Talks - Racism and Discrimination 26-28 January 2022 Ludwigsburg Intercultural competence - a key to success? - psychological aspects of promoting competence to reduce discrimination |
2021 | PASIG. 21. Workshop Psychology of work security and health. Prevention of violence in working contexts! 31.05.-02.06.2021 in Münster Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students“ |
2021 | PASIG. 21. Workshop Psychology of work security and health. Prevention of violence in working contexts! 31.05.-02.06.2021 in Münster Genkova, P. “Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organizations” |
2020 | Scientific conference of the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP) 06. – 07. March in Hamm Genkova, P. Intercultural competent after a stay abroad? |
2020 | IFKAD-Conference. Knowledge in Digital Age. 09-11 September 2020 in Rome Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students“ |
2020 | IFKAD-Conference. Knowledge in Digital Age. 09-11 September 2020 in Rome Genkova, P. “Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organisations in the context of the demographical changes” |
2020 | PASIG. 21. Workshop Psychology of work security and health. Prevention of violence in working contexts! 08. – 10. June 2020 in Münster Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students“ |
2020 | PASIG. 21. Workshop Psychology of work security and health. Prevention of violence in working contexts! 08. – 10. June 2020 in Münster Genkova, P. “Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organizations in the context of the demographical changes” |
2020 | GfA congress. Digital change, Digital work, Digital human? 16.03. - 18.03.2020 remote Genkova, P. Diversity Potentials for Organisations in the context of the demographical changes” |
2020 | GfA congress. Digital change, Digital work, Digital human? 16.03. - 18.03.2020 remote Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students“ |
2019 | IACCM-I?SEG CONFERENCE.Intercultural competencies for a disruptive VUCA world: Exploring creativity, innovation, resilience & resistance in intercultural research, training & management. Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. ?Impact of stays abroad on intercultural competence of students“ |
2019 | IACCM-I?SEG CONFERENCE.Intercultural competencies for a disruptive VUCA world: Exploring creativity, innovation, resilience & resistance in intercultural research, training & management. Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. “Migration and Diversity Potentials for Organizations in the context of the demographical changes” |
2019 | 11th Conference of the Section for Work, Organizational and Economic Psychology (AOW) of the German Society of Psychology “New Forms of Work in the Digitalized World - Strengthening Competence for Change” 25-27th September 2019 in Brunswik Genkova, P. Stress and Migration: An empirical study on factors influencing intercultural success (Stress und Migration: Eine empirische Studie ueber die Einflussfaktoren des interkulturellen Erfolgs) |
2019 | 14th Congress of the Division of Health Psychology "Health Psychology - individualized, population-related and care-relevant? 25-27th September 2019 in Greifswald Genkova, P. Stress and Migration - Influencing Factors of Intercultural Success (Stress und Migration – Einflussfaktoren auf den interkulturellen Erfolg) |
2019 | 65th Society for Work Science (GfA)Spring Congress “Interdisciplinary Analysis - Evaluation - Design of Work” 27th February to 1st March 2019 in Dresden Genkova, P. Pro-Diversity - the solution for a successful company? - an explorative study (Pro-Diversity – Die Loesung fuer ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen?) |
- Diversity Discourses: A transdisciplinary project for generating and reflecting scientific contributions on migration and equal opportunity discourse
- PDM – Profiling through Diversity Management: A research project investigating diversity management at non-state universities
- Fair Future: A project for building and strengthening a European interdisciplinary research network to study the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the promotion of diversity and fairness
- Promotion of intercultural and refugee-specific competence for refugees and host societies during the Russia-Ukraine crisis
- EduChance: A project for building and strengthening a European interdisciplinary research network to research and promote the integration of individuals with migration backgrounds within the European educational framework
- Diverschance_East: Global competence development and diversity challenges in an innovative Europe. A bilateral collaboration between Germany and Ukraine, considering interdisciplinary perspectives from Western and Eastern Europe
- Ready for a Colorful World: Development of micro-interventions for teaching to promote intercultural and diversity competence among students (Micro-ID)
- Cult-Euro-1: Test for intercultural competence: Validation of the measurement of general and Western European culture-specific intercultural competence (BMBF project)
- DNA – Utilizing and Embracing Diversity: The transition of STEM students with various diversity characteristics into employment (BMBF project)
- Cult Open – "Cultural Opening" – Diversity and intercultural competence in the context of refugee integration – A multilateral collaboration between Germany, Czech Republic, Latvia, Serbia, Hungary, and Slovakia (BMBF project)
Research and Teaching Focus
- Psychological foundations of education and upbringing
- Psychological foundations for lifelong learning, competence development, and assessment
- Social psychology, diversity, and gender mainstreaming
- Intercultural communication and intercultural psychology
- Organizational psychology
- Cultural (comparative) psychology
- Media psychology
Key Topics
- Social psychological issues of education, teaching, and learning
- Intercultural communication and intercultural competence
- Intercultural success and integration
- Cultural patterns (individualism/collectivism, values)
- Positive phenomena (life satisfaction, well-being, prosocial behavior, work-life balance, justice)
- Social roles and group influences (gender roles, prejudices, authoritarian attitudes, group dynamics)
- HR and media psychology
- Assessment
- Virtual teams
Doctor?s Theses (work in progress and completed)
- E-learning Use and Effect at learning Styles (E-Learning Nutzung und Wirkung auf Lernstile) (Jan Kodes). Completed.
- Intercultural Competence and Success of Expatriates (Interkulturelle Kompetenz und interkultureller Erfolg bei Auslandsentsendungen) (Katharina Kaune). Completed.
- Life-satisfaction depending on Culture (Lebenszufriedenheit in Abhaengigkeit von Kultur) (Christina Schwarz). Completed.
- M&A Processes and Intercultural Communication (M&A Prozesse und Interkulturelle Kommunikation) (Anna Gajda). Completed.
- Intercultural Communication in multinational Companies (Interkulturelle Kommunikation im multinationalen Unternehmen) (Annekatrin Richter). Completed.
- Diversity Competence of Employees (Diversity Kompetenz bei Mitarbeitern) (Christiane Wolter)
- Are attentive People more satisfied? - The Relation between Attentiveness and Success in Relationships regarding emotion Regulation and Attribution (Sind achtsame Menschen zufriedener? – Zum Zusammenhang von Achtsamkeit und Partnerschaftserfolg unter Beruecksichtigung von Emotionsregulation und Attribution) (Andrea Fuehrer). Completed.
- Self-construction, Coping and Satisfaction: An Intercultural Comparison of Russian and German Couples (Selbstkonstruktion, Coping und Zufriedenheit: Ein interkultureller Vergleich von russischen und deutschen Paarpersonen) (Anna Mikkof). Completed.
- Stress-management and Work-satisfaction at the German Federal Police - Job-related Indicators (Stressbewaeltigung und Arbeitszufriedenheit bei der Bundespolizei - Berufsspezifische Indikatoren) (Markus Schmidt)
- Intercultural Competence of the Collaboration in international Organizations (Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Zusammenarbeit in Internationalen Organisationen) (Michael Nadolski)
- Diversity Management and Staff Selection and Development (Diversity Management und Personalauswahl und Personalentwicklung) (Wahida Masoud)
- Diversity Management and Leadership (Diversity Management und Fuehrung (Joana Jungclaus)
- Challenges in Career Planning for People with Immigrant Background (Herausforderung der Karriereplanung bei Personen mit Migrationshintergrund) (Anja Gebauer)
- Diversity and Promotion of Competence for People with Immigrant Background (Diversity und Kompetenzfoerderung von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund) (Pia Keysers)
- Vertrauen (Trust) (Frank Becher). Completed.
- Career Development of Migrants (Karriere Entwicklung bei Migranten) (Gabriel Ibrahim Erguezel)
Diploma, Magister, Bachelor and Graduate Theses
(ca. 327)
- School and University Didactics (ca. 38)
- Intercultural Management und Intercultural Communication (Reseach in Companies and basic Research) (ca. 64)
- Media, Commercial and Marketing Research (ca. 71)
- Leadership, Application, Personnel and Organizational Activities (Predominant Research in Companies) (ca. 70)
- Health-behavior and Work-Life-Balance (Reseach in Companies and basic Research) (ca. 68)
- Basic Research Questions with Aspects of Social Psychology (ca. 15)