Physiotherapy International
International Projects
International projects and conferences
As part of the funding programme of the German Academic Exchange Service "PAGEL Partnerships for the Health Sector in Developing Countries", the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences obtained funding for the project: "Manual Therapy in Cuba under Intercultural Aspects".
Manual therapy (MT) as a sub-discipline of physiotherapy is defined as "diagnostics and therapy of reversible functional disorders of the support and movement system" and is used profitably by doctors as well as physiotherapists for patients after appropriate specific further training. The proposed project is a subject-related cooperation project of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences with the Universidad de Ciencias de Santiago de Cuba in Santiago de Cuba, the La Pradera Clinic and "Commercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A.". (SMC S.A.) in Havana, which will run for a period of four years and aims to implement MT in the Cuban health system in order to expand the high-quality medical care for patients with neuromusculoskeletal problems on site, which is oriented towards international standards, by a highly effective form of diagnosis and therapy.

Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences supports projects to promote international cooperation with versatile colleges/universities. In this context, a first project between Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and Curtin University took place in June 2021 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ballenberger, Prof (in Verw.) Dr. M?ller and Prof. Dr. Brigitte Tampin. Six students from each university took part. The students worked together on patient case studies and had the opportunity to exchange their experiences in the field of physiotherapy and the German and Australian health care systems.

The 2nd World Congress on Musician Physiotherapy took place from 6.-8th September 2018 at the 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück, University of Applied Sciences:
MusicPhysio Congress 2018 - 2nd World Congress on Musician Physiotherapy
The 2nd Research Symposium Physiotherapy of the German Association of Physiotherapy Science took place from 16.-17th November 2017 at the 新老虎机平台,最新老虎机 Osnabrück,University of Applied Sciences:
Research Symposium Physiotherapy 2017
Keynote-presentations were given by international presenters. Prof. Dr. Deirdre Hurling-Oesing from the University College Dublin presented ?Physiotherapy research in Ireland: spectrum and funding” and Prof. Dr Brigitte Tampin presented ?Physiotherapy research in Australia: spectrum and funding”.
Physiotherapy professors as well as scientific employees and students present at international conferences.
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Virtual World Congress on Pain 2021
- Workshop: “The jumble of sciatica, radicular pain and radiculopathy – Are they neuropathic pain?”, Professor Tampin is session coordinator, chair and presenter
- Tampin B.Lind C, Jacques A, Slater H.. Somatosensory profiles and pain experiences differ between patients with lumbar radicular pain and patients with combined lumbar radicular pain and radiculopathy
- Tampin B, Mountford J, Bala A, Cooper I. The Multifaceted Value of an Advanced Scope Physiotherapist-led Outpatient Neurosurgery Spinal Clinic.
Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare Conference, Melbourne, Australia 2019
- Ranelli S, Hesse I, Tampin, B. Sensory characteristics in young string musicians with playing-related musculoskeletal problems – a feasibility study.
11th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC 2019, Valencia, Spain
- Workshop: “Radicular pain – an update on clinical presentation, classification and multiprofessional management of complex condition”, Professor Tampin - Session coordinator, chair and presenter
- Birmes B,, Pahlman M, Gutman, Scholte M, Ludwig E, Kinast B, Holtman N,, Schueler T,,Cabrita M, Tabak M, Heuven R, Tampin B. Virtual Reality as part of a multimodal therapy for inpatient chronic low back pain patients.
- Tampin B, Slater H, Jacques A, Lind C. Quantitative sensory testing profiles of patients with lumbar radiculopathy – Do they assist in predicting clinical outcome after surgery?
Seventh International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) 2019, London, UK
- Ridehalgh C, Tampin B, Schmid A.. Relationship of QST measures between low back and leg sites in people with radicular leg pain.
- Boettger K, Tampin B, Ballenberger N, Landmann, G, Stockinger L, Schmid A. Somatosensory profiles in patients with non-specific neck arm pain with and without positive neurodynamic tests.
- Zhu GC, Boettger K, Slater H, Cook C, Farrell SF, Hailey L, Tampin B, Schmid A.. Concurrent validity of a low-cost and time-efficient clinical sensory test battery to evaluate somatosensory dysfunction.
Sixth International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) 2017, Gothenborg, Sweden.
- Tampin, B.,Slater, H., Lind, C.. Significant changes in somatosensory profiles pre-post microdiscectomy.
- Tampin, B., Lind, C. Slater, H. Somatosensory and clinical profiles in patients with lumbar radicular pain not proceeding to surgery.