Lean Start Up and Innovation


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 2 of 26.02.2025.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction


ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only summerterm


1 semester



Brief description

Basic concepts, strategies and success factors of innovation and entrepreneurship. The lean management concept will be introduced and applied. Existing Business modells will be examined. New business models will be developped by the students following the lean start up method.

Teaching and learning outcomes

  1. Innovation Management
  2. Success Factors for Innovations
  3. Science based approaches to generate Innovation Developments
  4. Creating and identifying Innovations
  5. Concept and Product Developments Entrepreneurship: Implementation of Innovations
  6. Lean Start up Method
  7. Business Canvas
  8. Business Cases

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
55Preparation/follow-up for course work-
50Exam preparation-
Graded examination
  • Portfolio exam or
  • Written examination or
  • Homework / Assignment
Remark on the assessment methods

The portfolio exam covers 100 points and consists of two presentations (PR) and a one-hour written examination (K1). The presentations are weighted by 25 points each and the K1 is weighted by 50 points.

Exam duration and scope

Written paper: approx. 12-15 pages

Written examination: in accordance with the valid study regulations.

Presentations of the portfolio exam: approx. 10-20 minutes each

The requirements are specified in the respective lectures.

Recommended prior knowledge

A sound understanding of business management principles is very helpful.

Knowledge Broadening

Students have a sound understanding of different innovation concepts which have been discussed in the modern business and economics literature.

Students have a sound understanding of the role of entrepreneurship in economic development and the hurdles entrepreneurs typically face.

Knowledge deepening

Students are able to translate their theoretical knowledge into a practical proposal for a business creation.

Knowledge Understanding

Students are able to use their competencies in finance, accounting and marketing and apply it to their unique case study.

Students are able to see their project in the context of the business environment and reflect on the perspective of banks, promotion agencies, city governments, potential employees.

Application and Transfer

Through working on own innovative projects, students learn to apply theoretical tools and generate new own strategies to design innovative and/or entrpreneurial projects.

Academic Innovation

Students discover the relevance and dynamic development of innovation management and entrepreneurship. They learn to see the open questions, to identify the new questions which come up because of the changing economic, political and social framework.

Communication and Cooperation

Students are able to discuss their ideas in groups. They reflect within their group the opportunities and risks and learn to weigh arguments

Students are able to present their ideas to others and convince them about the attractiveness of their idea.


The Lean Start UP by Eric Ries, 2011.

Business Model Generation, Osterwalder / Pigneur, 2010.

Linkage to other modules

Innovation is an important concept, virtually in all other modules students will study. The module is therefore aiming at opening the minds of students to apply innovation techniques on a regular basis.

The same applies to entrepreneurship.

Applicability in study programs

  • Controlling and Finance
    • Controlling and Finance M.Sc. (01.09.2026)

  • International Business and Management (Master)
    • International Business and Management, M.A. (01.09.2024)

  • Business Management
    • Business Management, M.A.

    Person responsible for the module
    • Arnsfeld, Torsten
    • Arnsfeld, Torsten