Foundations of the International Higher Education System


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 1 of 17.11.2023.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction

German, English

ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only summerterm


1 semester



Brief description

The module "Grundlagen des internatinoalen Wissenschaftssystems" provides an overview and introduction into higher education and research systems, the types of institutions, the actors and stakeholders and their various roles and interests. Higher education and science have to be analysed in their context, including historical developments and the broader national and international education and science systems; including primary, secondary and vocational education as well as various research institutions (e.g. Max Planck, Helmholz, Leibnitz and other institutes in Germany) and industrial research providers. This wider context has an impact on the way higher education and research institutions are functioning and organised within the ?knowledge sector“.

Within these systems and institutions, various actors perform their own functions and role from the perspective of their own (individual) expectations. In addition, there are several external stakeholders that try to influence knowledge institutions or are affected by them, such as industry, political parties, parents of students, quality assurance agencies, etc. This module tries to analyse the dynamics between all these actors, which create the day-to-day reality in which participants of the module have to operate.

In addition, education and research systems differ from country to country, though European policies (Bologna and Horizon Europe) try to set common objectives and structures for higher education and research. At the same time, many governments try to stimulate diversity within their higher education and science systems, in order to meet the needs and capacities of students, employers, industry and society at large. This module explores the direct and indirect consequences for higher education and research institutions.

Teaching and learning outcomes

Part 1

  • The German history of universities and the development and differentiation of the sciences, taking into account the social-historical, economic, cultural and political framework
  • Emergence and development of the European university idea at the end of the Middle Ages
  • The influence of the Reformation on the development of higher education in Germany and the revolution in the understanding of science through the emergence of the modern natural sciences
    - The University and Educational Idea of Wilhelm von Humboldt
    - The structural and functional change of science and education: the context of industrialization
    - The history of the German university since National Socialism
  • Conclusions from the historical background for today's university landscape

Part 2

Higher education and science systems:

  • Structures, actors, relationships and objectives in higher education and science systems
  • Institutions and actors in German higher education
  • Stakeholder analysis in the German higher education and science sector
  • Examples of education and research systems: an international comparison

Diversity and profiling in higher education and science:

  • Diversity and profiling: concepts and policy objectives
  • Measuring diversity: University rankings and their impact on national and institutional policies
  • Building a new higher education and science systems: balancing between functions by a simulation exercise (Lego game)

European developments in HE education and science systems:

  • The Bologna and the Lisbon (Europe 2020, Hirozon Europe) processes and their impact on German higher education and science
  • Understanding the impact of the European developments on German HE & science institutions by analysing the Modernization Agenda

Quality assurance: towards quality cultures:

  • From quality assurance to a culture of quality in teaching, learning and research
  • Implications for HE & science institutions and preparing students for the labour market

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 125 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
42OtherPresence or online-
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
Graded examination
  • oral exam or
  • Homework / Assignment
Exam duration and scope

Oral examination: See General Part of the Examination Regulations

Written paper: approx. 10-15 pages

The requirements are specified in the relevant class.

Recommended prior knowledge

None (general entrance qualification for the MBA)

Knowledge Broadening

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • are knowledgable about the history of German higher education and science and how that resonates in contemporary higher education and science.
  • have a better overview and understanding of the various actors and stakeholders and their roles and perspectives in the (German) higher education and science system.
  • have a better understanding of diversity and profiling in higher education and the working of university rankings.
  • know how to contextualise German (higher) education and science within the framework of international systems and the European modernisation of HE and science (e.g. through the Bologna and Horizon Europe processes).

Knowledge deepening

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • know how to discuss and apply basic concepts, structures and policy issues in the German and international higher education and science systems, contexts and (historical) developments.
  • are able to critically assess the roles of various higher education and science stakeholders on issues like diversity and profiling, modernization, ranking and quality assurance of HE and science organisations and systems.

Knowledge Understanding

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • are prepared for the academic and policy discussions on complex HE and science policy discussions from a historical, international and multi-actor perspective.

Application and Transfer

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • can apply a critical stakeholder analysis to their own higher education and science organisation.
  • can critically assess and discuss the system characteristics of a higher education and science system.
  • can translate international higher education and science agendas to their own organisation, e.g. the implications of the European Modernisation Agenda.

Communication and Cooperation

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • have experienced and learned to critically discuss HE themes, stakeholder relationships and their consequences.
  • have experienced to develop a fictional higher education and science system within a group simulation exercise, to experiment with different roles and functions of various types of HE and science institutions and programmes.


Beacher T., Kogan, M. (1992). Process and Structure in Higher Education, second edition, London/New York: Routledge. Chapter 1 Introduction (pp. 1-5), Chapter 4 The working of the whole system (pp. 50-66).

OECD webinar on Education at a glance 2019:

Reichert, S. (2009). Institutional Differentiation in European higher education, Tensions and challenges for policy makers, EUA, Brussels: European University Association, pp. 1-20.

Education systems:

Science systems: (Research and Innovation Observatory, RIO)

CHEPS (2014), The Future of Higher Education:

European Commission (2017), On a renewed EU agenda for higher education, Brussels: European Commission COM (2017) 247. (obligatory reading)Education systems:

Higher education in the USA:

European Commission (2011), Supporting growth and jobs – an agenda for the modernisation of Europe's higher education systems, Brussels: European Commission COM (2011) 567/2.

Kottmann, A., J. Huisman, L. Brockerhoff, L. Cremonini and J. Mampaey (2016), How Can One Create a Culture for Quality Enhancement? Final Report, Oslo: NOKUT

CHEPS (2010), The European Classification of Higher Education Institutions, Enschede/Brussels: CHEPS/European Commission.

Weitere Literatur und weiterführende Hinweise sind zusammengefasst in einem Reader, den alle Studierenden vor Beginn der ersten Selbstlernphase erhalten.

Linkage to other modules

Stimulation a general understanding of HE & science systems to better locate the content of other modules.

Applicability in study programs

  • Higher Education and Research Management
    • Higher Education and Research Management MBA (01.03.2024)

    Person responsible for the module
    • Vossensteyn, Hans
    • Wortmann, Rolf
    • Vossensteyn, Hans