Mergers, Reorganisation and Business Development
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
- Version
Version 2 of 26.02.2025.
- Module identifier
- Module level
- Language of instruction
- ECTS credit points and grading
- Module frequency
only winterterm
- Duration
1 semester
- Overall workload
The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").
- Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 30 Lecture Presence - 15 Learning in groups / Coaching of groups Presence - Lecturer independent learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 25 Preparation/follow-up for course work - 52 seminar paper - 28 Study of literature -
- Graded examination
- Written examination or
- Homework / Assignment or
- Portfolio exam
- Literature
Hamel, G. : Leading the Revolution, Boston.
Hitt, M.A./Harrison, J.S./Ireland, R.D. : Mergers and Acquisitions – A Guide to Creating Value for Stakeholders, Oxford/New York/Athen usw.
Schmidt-Gothan, H./Rasche, C. : Die Turnaround Triade – Jenseits der reinen Kostensenkung, Advisum Turnaround Studie, München.
Hommel, U./Knecht, T.C./Wohlenberg, H. (Hrsg) (2017): Handbuch Unternehmensrestrukturierung/-sanierung: Grundlagen – Instrumente – Strategien, Wiesbaden Müller, H-E./Rasche, C.: Innovative Gesch?ftsmodelle, in WISU, 42. Jg., Heft 6, S. 805- 809.
Pfannstiel, M./Rasche, C. (Hrsg.) (2017): Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management – Models, Strategies Tools, Wiesbaden.
Rasche, C. : Multifokales Sanierungsmanagement: Von der engpa?orientierten zur mehrdimensionalen Krisenbew?ltigung, in: Burmann, C./Freiling, J./Hülsmann, M. (Hrsg.): Management von Ad-hoc-Krisen Grundlagen - Strategien – Erfolgsfaktoren, Wiesbaden, S. 73-90.
Schefczyk, M : Venture Capital, München, New York.
Weston, J.F./Chung, K.S./Siu, J.A. : Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance, 2nd Edition, London/Sidney/Toronto usw.
Wurster, M.E. : Mehrdimensionales Restrukturierungsmanagement, Wiesbaden.
Zook, C./Allen, J. : Profit from the Core – Growth Strategy in an Era of Turbulence, Boston.
Rasche, C. : Pitfalls of Corporate Restructuring - Theorien, Trends und Thesen gescheiterter Ver?nderungsprozesse -, in Rausch, K. (Hrsg.): Organisation gestalten – Struktur mit Kultur vers?hnen (Tagungsband der 13. wissenschaftlichen Fachtagung für Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie), S. 280-298.
Schmidt, A. : ?berlegene Gesch?ftsmodelle – Wertegenese und Wertabsch?pfung in turbulenten Umwelten, Wiesbaden
Jeweils in aktueller Auflage
- Applicability in study programs
- Controlling and Finance
- Controlling and Finance M.Sc. (01.09.2026)
- Management in Nonprofit-Organisations
- Management in Nonprofit-Organisations M.A. (01.09.2024)
- International Business and Management (Master)
- International Business and Management, M.A. (01.09.2024)
- Business Management
- Business Management, M.A.
- Person responsible for the module
- Kruth, Bernd-Joachim
- Teachers
- Kruth, Bernd-Joachim