...Career mentoring for international students and students with a history of migration


The program starts at the important interface between studies and transition to the (regional) job market and aims to actively support international students and students with a history of migration in entering the job market and to enable equal access to the job market.

Since the start of the program in November 2020, three program years have been successfully implemented. The fourth round of the program started in October 2024.

Please note: The program is conducted in German. We warmly welcome all participants, but would like to point out that a certain understanding of the German language is required to follow its contents.

The next application period is from April 29 until May 27, 2025. You can find more information on this under Information for mentees.

If you have any questions about participating in our program, please take a look at our frequently asked questions or contact us directly.

Find out more about their personal impressions from the mentees of the first three years!


Mentoring.INTERKULT 2021/22
Mentoring.INTERKULT 2020/21


Mentoring.INTERKULT offers international students and students with a history of migration support with the challenges and opportunities that the transition to professional life can bring. With the help of one-to-one mentoring with professionally experienced mentors, further training opportunities and networking formats, mentees are accompanied and supported on their individual path.


Information for mentees

Are you an international student or do you feel you belong to the group of students with a history of migration? Are you planning to start your career in Germany? Would you like support with the transition to your career?

Then take part in the Mentoring.INTERKULT program and benefit from the guidance of experts from regional companies and the support of your peer support teams in achieving your goals.

The next application period is from April 29 until May 27, 2025. Interested students of Osnabr¨¹ck University of Applied Sciences can find all information on the requirements for participation under application.

If you have any questions about participating in our program, please contact us!


Information for mentors

Mentors are people with professional experience who are employed in all areas of business, science or administration. They take on a variety of roles during the mentoring relationship, e.g. as advisors, knowledge brokers or contact mediators.


Events and dates

The respective target groups at which the offer is aimed are defined in more detail in the event text.

Open events

Since the winter semester 2023/24, interested students have had the opportunity to register for vacancies in the supporting program of Mentoring.INTERKULT. You will be informed by e-mail.

Supporting program Mentoring.INTERKULT

The continuing education program, the work in the peer support teams and the networking meetings are an important part of Mentoring.INTERKULT. Participation in the workshops and active involvement in the peer support teams is mandatory for all mentees. As Mentoring.INTERKULT has held some events digitally in the past, the project coordination team reserves the right to alternate between face-to-face and online formats in the future.

Here you will find further information on all Mentoring.INTERKULT events.


Frequently asked questions

Questions about the program structure and process

Questions about the application

You will find the answers to Frequently asked questions on the Germany scholarship program (Deutschlandstipendium) here.

Questions about the mentors and companies


Mentoring.INTERKULT is a program that was developed in the LearningCenter and is carried out here. As part of the program, there is close cooperation with the Center for International Students (CIS) and University Advancement. The measure is funded as part of the FIT program.

Logo Mentoring.INTERKULT
Logo Federal Ministry of Education and Research
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Logo German Academic Exchange Service
executive funding organization German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Contact us

Would you like to talk to someone about the Mentoring.INTERKULT program, ask specific questions or simply find out more? Then we look forward to hearing from you via one of the following contact options.


Project coordination

Here you can reach the project coordinator and get advice about the program:

Phone: 0541 969-7162
