International Transfer
Numerous activities of our competence center are geared toward international transfer. This is evident in various projects such as the master's program 'Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education' (MARIHE), the certificate program 'European Research and Transfer Management' (EURESTMA), the 'International Deans' Course,' and the educational project 'Horizon Southeast Asia: pushing the frontiers of research and sustainability.' The goal is to enhance the competencies of future leaders in the fields of research and innovation in higher education to increase the international competitiveness of universities. The projects are interdisciplinary and cross-faculty in nature, aiming to strengthen governance structures and promote collaboration between researchers and university administrations.
The international exchange program Erasmus Mundus is designed for future leaders in the fields of research and innovation in higher education. As a consortium partner with University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria), Tampere University (Finland), E?tv?s Loránd University (Hungary), Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (India), and Beijing Normal University (China), the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück offers the Master's program 'Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education“ (MARIHE). Students in programs bearing the Erasmus Mundus label are eligible to apply for scholarships. Additionally, there is an opportunity to support scholars for three-month guest teaching stays within the courses.
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Frank Ziegele
Phone: 0541 969-3743
The overarching goal of EURESTMA is to contribute to the professionalization of European research management. EURESTMA is a professional certificate program undertaken by research managers from various countries, aiming to provide cross-national perspectives and build a European community of program graduates. Participating partners from Germany include Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, the EU Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi), and the Center for Science and Technology Management in Speyer. Internationally, partners include Tampere University (Finland), Danube University Krems (Austria), and Politecnico di Milano (Italy). The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.
Contact Person:
Natalya Sharovatova
The International Deans' Course is a dialogue program on university management in Africa and Asia, which has been conducted since 2007 in collaboration with the Centre for Higher Education and the German Rectors' Conference on behalf of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. As part of the program, foreign deans receive intensive training on the subject of faculty management.
Contact Person
Dr. Kai Handel
Phone: 0173 961 9398
The Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences has initiated a new educational project called 'Horizon Southeast Asia: pushing the frontiers of research and sustainability' to strengthen the research and governance structures of 25 universities in six countries in Southeast Asia. The project focuses on climate change, sustainable agriculture, and the shared utilization of a transboundary river. Its aim is to empower the scientists from the participating universities to expand their internationally competitive research and promote the exchange between the universities. Project leaders support the facilitation of these processes to bring the interaction between climate change and sustainable agriculture into focus.
Faculty members from the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture are involved in the implementation. The project is being conducted in collaboration with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization - Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO-RIHED). The Chairperson of the organization, based in Thailand, Prof. Romyen Kosaikanont, is an alumna of the International Deans Course educational program at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück and has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences for several years.
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer
Phone: +49 541 969-3466
The University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück and Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana jointly developed the project 'Nurturing a Culture of Excellence in University Management through Leadership Development and Partnerships.' This training and further education project in the field of university administration is part of the 'Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies' (DIES) program, initiated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023.
The project aims to support participating universities (Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana in Yogyakarta, Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana in Sumba, Universitas Halmahera in Maluku, and Universitas Ottow Geissler in Papua) in enhancing their educational and management quality standards in the Indonesian higher education landscape.
Project Objectives
The first outcome of the project is to facilitate a transformation in leadership and institutional administration to improve educational quality and establish and promote quality standards at the four Indonesian universities. The following aspects are considered:
- Enhancing university leadership by introducing management techniques, aiding leaders in acquiring and applying management skills, and providing networking support.
- Improving pedagogical teaching and learning capabilities by demonstrating ways in which university leadership can support educators in their improvement.
- Enhancing research infrastructure and increasing research performance by introducing research management expertise.
- Improving the quality of administrative structures and processes by better utilizing IT.
- Facilitating institutions for international cooperation.
The second outcome on the part of UAS OS is to enhance understanding and capability to contribute to the development of higher education sectors in emerging countries by actively involving experienced experts, academic, and administrative staff in the project.
Moreover, Indonesian and international experts are involved in this four-year project between UAS OS and Indonesia, contributing to the project's success. This collaboration enables the partners to strengthen their existing networks.
For further information, please visit /dies-partnerships-indonesia/
Project Management:
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer
Phone: +49 541 969-3466
Projekt Coordination:
Gita Lestari-K?tting
Phone: +49 541 969-7052