Christina Haupt M.Phil., M.Sc.
- Telefon
- +49 541 969 3797
- c.haupt@hs-osnabrueck.de
- Abteilung
- Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Raum
- CF 0326
- Web
- Internetseite
Overarching Qualification
- Bilingual, internationally experienced Human Communication Scientist and Speech-Language Therapist
- Expert in the area of child language development, intercultural sensitization and English for Specific Purposes
Current employment and career path
- Since 2014: University teacher in SLT studies (BSc OT, SLT, PT) University of Applied Sciences Osnabr¨¹ck (Germany)
Modules: Clinical Reasoning, Theory-based SLT practice, English for Specific Purposes, Supervision of BSc and MSc dissertations - 2013 - 2014: Research Assistant in the Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield
- 2013: Teacher for Academic Skills at Sheffield International College (Kaplan), working with international degree seeking students
- 2010 - 2013: Teaching Assistant, Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield. Seminars, lectures, examination of BMed and MMed Sci students, supervision and teaching of LACIC (Language and Communication in Children) Advanced Certificate remote students
- 2003 - 2009: Employment as an SLT in independent practice with a focus on pediatric SLCN, stuttering, voice disorders, aphasia and dysarthria treatment of out-patients and home visits; internship supervision, interprofessional exchange
Studies and training
- 03 - 05/2019: Train the trainer: Intercultural Competence and Sensitization (A. Sedlag, AEWB Hannover)
- 09/2018: Sprachreich? Trainer-Certificate (German Professional Association of SLTs - dbl e.V.)
- 07/2017: CELTA-Qualification ¨C Cambridge English Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Berlin School of English
- 2015-2016: WIMHOS-Qualification ¨C University Teaching Didactics Program for Scientific Staff at Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences (Academic Staff Training Competence Center of Lower Saxony, Brunswick)
- 2010 - 2013: MPhil Studies via scholarship of the Department of Human Communication Sciences at University of Sheffield
- 2009 - 2010: MSc Studies, University of Sheffield, Department of Human Communication Sciences
- 2000 - 2003: SLT professional training, SLT school at University Clinic M¨¹nster (Westf.)
- Summer term 2000: Studies in Special Education
- 10/1996 - 05/1999: Psychology Studies (Pre-Diploma) at Philipps University Marburg (Germany)
- Clinical Reasoning 1
- Clinical Reasoning 2
- Theory guided SLT practice
- English for Specific Purposes (health professions)
- Child speech and language development, incl. challenges and disorders, parental training
- Theories of language acquisition, pediatric SLT interventions
- Multilingualism, intercultural sensitization, speech-language enrichment in early education settings
- Maksimovic Vidanovic, D. & Haupt, C. (2022b). Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Logop?die-Ausbildung im Fokus der Behandlung mehrsprachiger Kinder. Forschung Sprache, 2:83-96.
- Christoph, S., Haupt, C. & Thelen, K. (2022a). Sprachentwicklungsst?rungen bei Kindern ¨C Fr¨¹he Anzeichen, Erscheinungsformen, logop?dische Behandlung. Informations-Faltblatt (aktualisierte Ausgabe). Frechen: Deutscher Bundesverband f¨¹r Logop?die (dbl e.V.).
- Albert, H. und Haupt, C. (2019). Einsatz des Alberta Language & Development Questionnaires in der Sprachdiagnostik bilingualer Kinder in Deutschland. Forschung Sprache, 2:53-64.
- Berding, J. und Haupt, C. (Hrsg.) (2018). Genesung aktivieren und Teilhabe f?rdern. Therapieprogramm auf Grundlage des Model of Human Occupation (MOHO). Translation of the OT Recovery through Activitiy Manual by Sue Parkinson. Bern: Hogrefe.
- Christoph, S., Haupt, C., Thelen, K. & Utikal, S. (2017). Sprachentwicklungsst?rungen bei Kindern ¨C Ursachen, Begriffe, Erscheinungsformen, logop?dische Behandlung. Informations-Faltblatt. Herausgeber: Deutscher Bundesverband f¨¹r Logop?die (dbl e.V.), Frechen.
- Haupt, C. (2016). Inklusion von Roma-Sch¨¹lerinnen und Sch¨¹lern: (Wie) K?nnen Sprachtherapie und Sprachheilp?dagogik unterst¨¹tzen? In: U. Stitzinger, S. Sallat & U. L¨¹dtke (Hrsg.): Sprache und Inklusion als Chance?! Expertise und Innovation f¨¹r Kita, Schule und Praxis. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner. 325-331.
- Haupt, C. (2016). Fremd- und Mehrsprachigkeit ¨C So profitieren alle von der Sprachenvielfalt in der Kita. In: J. Schneewind & T. Landowsky (Hrsg.): Die Kita in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft ¨C Interkulturelle und kultursensible Arbeit mit Kindern, Familien und Teams. Kronach: Carl Link. 91-109.
- Haupt, C. (2013). Eastern European Roma Gypsy Pupils: Challenges in Accessing British Primary Education. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield
- Haupt, C. (2010). Carer-awareness of speech- and language difficulties in 3- and 4-year-old German preschool children. MSc dissertation, University of Sheffield. (Einsicht auf Anfrage)
Book reviews
- Haupt, C. (2021). Buch-Rezension: M. Hricov¨¢, Sprachf?rderung bei Mehrsprachigkeit - Ein Ratgeber f¨¹r Eltern, P?dagogen und Therapeuten. Sprachtherapie aktuell, Praxis - Beruf - Verband, Zeitschrift f¨¹r akademische Sprachtherapie und Logop?die, 3(4):23f.
- Haupt, C. (2019). Buch-Rezension: K. Mahlau, Kinder mitSprachauff?lligkeiten - F?rderung in inklusiven Schulklassen. Forum Logop?die 33(3), 56.
- Haupt, C. (2017c). Book review: A. Hendrich, Kinder mit Migrations- und Fluchterfahrung in der Kita. Logos, 3(25):211
- Haupt, C. (2017b). Book review: A. Mayer, Lese-Rechtschreibst?rungen (LRS). Logos, 1(25), 55
- Haupt, C. (2017a). Book review: W. Scharff Rethfeldt, Sprachf?rderung f¨¹r ein- und mehrsprachige Kinder. Logos, 1(25), 52
- Haupt, C. (2016). Book review: C. L?ffler & F. Vogt, Strategien der Sprachf?rderung im Kita-Alltag. Logos, 2(24), 130
- Haupt, C. (2015b). Book review: B. Achhammer, Pragmatisch-kommunikative F?higkeiten f?rdern ¨C Grundlagen und Anleitungen f¨¹r die Sprachtherapie in der Gruppe. Logos, 3(23), 211
- Haupt, C. (2015a). Book review: P. Korntheuer, M. Gumpert, & S. Vogt, Anamnese in der Sprachtherapie. Logos, 2(23), 12
- 2022: Lead and evaluation of the project "Sprach-Balou" in cooperation with the City of Osnabr¨¹ck (Grant: 30.000 €, Federal Corona-Fund)
- 2010 - 2013: MPhil mixed methods research projects at University of Sheffield, Department for Human Communication Sciences as basis for the MPhil-thesis: Eastern European Roma Gypsy Pupils: Challenges in Accessing British Primary Education. Supervisors: Dr. Judy Clegg and Prof. Joy Stackhouse
- 2013 - 2014: Research Assistant in the project Promoting Oral Language in Children with English as an Additional Language and Monolingual Children with Language Weaknesses (Nuffield Reception EAL4L project) PIs: Dr. Silke Fricke and Dr. Blanca Schaefer, Department for Human Communication Sciences, The University of Sheffield
- 2010: Research project as basis for MSc dissertation: Carer-awareness of speech- and language difficulties in 3- and 4-year-old German preschool children. Supervisor: Dr. Dilys Treharne
- German Association for SLTs - Deutscher Bundesverband f¨¹r Logop?die (dbl e.V.)
- German Association for academic SLTs - Deutscher Bundesverband der akademischen Sprachtherapeuten (dbs e.V.)
- IASCL (International Association for the Study of Child Language)
- The Hanen Centre ? Helping you help children communicate, Canada
- Haupt, C. & Maksimovi? Vidanovi?, D. (2023e). Interkulturelle Sensiblisierung in Studium und Ausbildung - ein interprofessionelles Lehrangebot. Jahrestagung 2023 GMA ¨C Gesellschaft f¨¹r Medizinische Ausbildung: Osnabr¨¹ck, 14-16.9.2023.
- Maksimovi? Vidanovi?, D. & Haupt, C. (2023d): Workshop: Intercultural sensitivity in professional training and university programmes - an interprofessional course. Jahrestagung 2023 GMA ¨C Gesellschaft f¨¹r Medizinische Ausbildung: Osnabr¨¹ck, 14-16.9.2023.
- Haupt, C., Wolf, L. & Niem?ller, L. (2023c). Sprach-Balou und Familienbegleitung - Niedrigschwellige Sprachf?rderung von Kindern anderer Herkunftssprachen im h?uslichen Kontext. 51. dbl Kongress: Erlangen, 16./17.06.2023.
- Haupt, C. (2023b). Spotlight Logop?die-Schnittstellen: Interkulturalit?t, kindliche Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachf?rderung. 50j?hriges Jubil?um der Fachschule f¨¹r Logop?die M¨¹nster: 06.05.2023.
- Haupt, C. (2023a). Fachtag im Rahmen der Pr?ventionsketten im Schinkel (Osnabr¨¹ck): Beziehung, Erziehung und Kultur. Heinz-Fitschen-Haus, 27.02.2023.
- Haupt, C. (2022d). Vortrag (gedolmetscht): Logop?die oder Sprachf?rderung? Ein Praxisprojekt. HAW Landshut, Studiengang Geb?rdensprachdolmetschen. 23.12.2023.
- Haupt, C. (2022c). Vortrag: Erzieher*in und mehr! Kulturen, Familien und Sprachentwicklung begleiten. Veranstaltung ?1001 Abend ¨C werde Erzieher*in ¨¹ber Nacht¡°. Evangelische Fachschulen Osnabr¨¹ck: 23.09.2022.
- Haupt, C. (2022b). Vortrag: Einsatz von Apps in der Kindersprachtherapie - ja, nein, vielleicht?! Eine Entscheidungshilfe. Deutscher Bundesverband f¨¹r Logop?die (dbl e.V.), 50. dbl-Kongress, Koblenz: 20./21.05.2022.
- Haupt, C. (2022a). Workshop: Speech and Language Therapy - Englisch f¨¹r Sprachtherapeut*innen. Deutscher Bundesverband f¨¹r Logop?die (dbl e.V.), 50. dbl-Kongress, Koblenz: 20./21.05.2022.
- Haupt, C. (2021). Apps f¨¹r Sprachtherapie und h?usliches ¨¹ben mit Kindern ¨C Gesichtspunkte von Logop?die & Medienp?dagogik. Digitaler dbl Kongress kompakt. Digital, 4./5.6.2021
- Haupt, C. & Albert, H. (2018). Sprachauff?lligkeiten sukzessiv zweisprachiger Kinder ¨C Vergleich der Outcomes des Alberta Language and Development Questionnaires (ALDeQ?) zu gegenw?rtigen Diagnostikverfahren im deutschsprachigen Raum. ISES X ¨C Interdisziplin?re Tagung ¨¹ber Sprachentwicklungsst?rungen. TU Dortmund, 16./17.11.2018
- May 2018: Tackling challenges in SLT-practice ¨C Peer coaching as a problem-solving tool in the clinical reasoning process. 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy ¨C Effectiveness, Speech and Language Therapy, Science, Practice. Comit¨¦ Permanent de Liaison des Orthophonistes/Logopedes de l'Union Europ¨¦enne (CPLOL). Estoril Congress Centre, Portugal: 10.-12.05.2018
- August 2017: International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), 5th International Composium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural Populations, 24./25.8.2017, ÐÂÀÏ»¢»úƽ̨,×îÐÂÀÏ»¢»ú Bremen. Vortrag: ?Challenges for multilingual Roma pupils in primary education ¨C implications of findings from the UK and Germany¡®
- May 2017: Bundesverband Klinische Linguistik (BKL e.V.), 16. BKL-Workshop, 5./6.05.2017, Bielefeld. Poster (Br?ker, M., Haupt, C. & Gajda, D.): ?Die lexikalische Strategiemethode ?Wortschatzsammler¡° ¨C eine kontrollierte Einzelfallstudie zur Wirksamkeit im Praxisalltag mit einem sukzessiv deutschsprachigen Vorschulkind¡®
- September 2016: 32. Bundeskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft f¨¹r Sprachheilp?dagogik (dgs e.V.), 15.-17.9.2016, Hannover. Vortrag: ?Inklusion von Roma- Sch¨¹lerInnen: (Wie) K?nnen SprachtherapeutInnen unterst¨¹tzen?¡®
- May 2016: 45. Jahreskongress des Deutschen Bundesverbandes f¨¹r Logop?die (dbl e.V.), 26.-28.5.2016, Bielefeld. Eingeladener Vortrag: ?Networking in der Logop?die¡® (Sitzung der Studierenden)
- May 2015: CPLOL (Europ?ischer Logop?die-Verband) Jahreskongress, 8./9.5.2015, Florenz. Vortrag: ?Roma Pupils in Primary Education: Implications for Speech and Language Services¡¯
- November 2014: Interdisziplin?re Tagung ¨¹ber Sprachentwicklungsst?rungen, ISES VIII 21.-23.11.2014, M¨¹nchen. Vortrag: ?Fr¨¹herkennung von Sprachproblemen 3- und 4-j?hriger deutscher Vorschulkinder ¨C Einsch?tzungen von Eltern und ErzieherInnen¡®
- September 2014: RCSLT (Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists) Jahreskongress, 17. & 18.9.2014, Leeds. Vortrag: ¡®Challenges for Eastern European Roma Gypsy pupils in British primary education: Implications for speech and language services¡¯
- September 2013: Gypsy Lore Society, Jahreskongress, 12.-14.9.2013, Glasgow. Vortrag: ¡®Challenges of Eastern European Roma Gypsy pupils in accessing British primary education ¨C A mixed methods approach¡¯
- July 2013: Roma Workshop. Stadtverwaltung Sheffield (City Council). Vortrag: ¡®Opportunities for collaborative research, evaluation and building an evidence base¡¯. TeilnehmerInnen: Stadtratsmitglieder, Schul-Direktoren, Lehrer, Teaching Assistants, Schulsozialarbeiter
- June 2013: Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield. Jahreskongress der Forschungs-Studierenden. Vortrag: ?Eastern European Roma Gypsy Pupils: Challenges in Accessing British Primary Education¡¯
- Haupt, C., Niem?ller, L. & Wolf, L. (2023). Poster: Collaborative practice in early childhood SLCN: A project with SLT students, liaison personnel and multilingual children. 32nd world congress of the IALP (International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders). Auckland (New Zealand), 20.-24.08.2023. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14533.22240
- Haupt, C. & Albert, H. (2021). Poster: The Alberta Language & Development Questionnaire - a tool for multilingual assessment of children with DLD in Germany? 15th International Virtual IASCL Conference (International Association for the Study of Child Language). Philadelphia, 15.-23.07.2021.
- May 2018: Caregiver¡¯s awareness of language difficulties in 3- to 4-year old German children. 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy ¨C Effectiveness, Speech and Language Therapy, Science, Practice. Comit¨¦ Permanent de Liaison des Orthophonistes/Logopedes de l'Union Europ¨¦enne (CPLOL). Estoril Congress Centre, Portugal: 10.-12.05.2018
- August 2017: International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), 5th International Composium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural Populations, 24./25.8.2017, ÐÂÀÏ»¢»úƽ̨,×îÐÂÀÏ»¢»ú Bremen. Poster (Br?ker, M., Haupt, C. & Gajda, D.): ¡°Lexicon Pirate¡± ¨C Efficacy of the Lexical Strategy Therapy in a successive bilingual preschool child with Primary Language Impairment
- November 2016: Interdisziplin?re Tagung ¨¹ber Sprachentwicklungsst?rungen, ISES IX. 18./19.11.2016, Heidelberg: Poster (Meier, V., Haupt, C. & Busch, S.): ?Kinder mit selektivem Mutismus ¨C Erfahrungen von Familien nach dem station?ren Aufenthalt in einer Rehabilitationsklinik¡®
- May 2013: White Rose Social Science Doctoral Training Centre Konferenz, ¡®Der Methoden-Mix¡®, 7.5.2013, Leeds. Poster: ¡®Access to (language) learning: Perspectives of Eastern European Roma, Gypsy and Traveller pupils in British primary education. A mixed methods approach¡¯
Winter term 2023/24
- Lena Wi?mann: Multiple single case studies with suspected cluttering - Derivatives for diagnostics and therapy for two adult participants
Summer term 2023
- Eva Kalkwarf, Lea Runde & Julia Siemens (Ergotherapie): Discharge preparation in inpatient psychiatric occupational therapy - Development of a manual as part of a practical research project with occupational therapists and psychiatric clients (2nd assessor)
Winter term 2022/23
- Lena Wolf: The cooperative support language project "Sprach-Balou" for preschool children with migrational background - Interview study on the experiences of participating family support workers
- Luisa Niem?ller: Multiple single case studies with two multilingual children aged two years on changes in pragmatic-communicative skills after five weeks of language support in the "Sprach-Balou" project
Summer term 2022
- Kathrin Kolbeck: Experimental single case study regarding desensitization after 8 sessions of direct stuttering intervention (IMS approach)
- Teresa Santel: Challenges of rural and urban SLT settings - qualitative interviews with practice leads about their experience
- Jacqueline Sanner: Qualitative focus groups to develop efficient communication methods between curative education professionals and an outpatient speech therapist in a daycare center
Winter term 2021/22
- Ann-Marie Nieh?rster: Implementing an approach for the promotion of phonological awareness of children in Kindergarten - Group discussion of nursery nurses about pros and cons
Summer term 2021
- Rika Katja Schr?der: Challenges and resources for speech-language enhancement of multilingual children - an online survey with local early educators
- Ria Ronja Gr¨¹gelsberg: Counselling in SLT training - a literature review with focus on stuttering
- Nicole Profanowicz: Professional rehabilitation of persons with aphasia - a literature review in regards to barriert and possibilities (2nd assessor)
- Julia Langer: Differential diagnostics in a multilingual child with suspected DLD - a single case study (2nd assessor)
Winter term 2020/21
- Jeannette Schulze (MSc-dissertation): Risk factors in DLD with a focus on Psychology, Pedagogy and SLT - a literature review (Donau-University Krems, external assessor)
- Stefanie Halm: Clinical reasoning in SLT practice with multilingual children - a single case study employing dynamic assessment
- Sarah Wilkens: Literature review regarding the influence of intervention intensity by using apps in the treatment of children with phonological disorder
- Lea Kr¨¹ger: Prevention and intervention of mobbing in children who stutter - a scoping review (2nd assessor)
- Janina Quabs: Underlying brain physiology regarding the acqusition of language and play in children below the age of three (2nd assessor)
- Marie-Sophie Albrink: Differentiation of speech-language enhancement approaches vs. therapeutic treatment of semantic-lexical difficulties in bilingual pre-school children
- Jacqueline Sonntag: The use of strategies from parental training approaches in out-patient treatment of late talkers
- Julia Langer: Diagnostic approaches for identifying DLD in the area of grammar in bilingual children (German - Spanish)
- Luise Kunert (OT): Communicating with clients from other language backgrounds - survey outcomes from local OT practices
Summer term 2020
- Ebru Taytekin: Experimental single case study regarding desensitization after 10 sessions of teletherapeutic stuttering intervention
- Laura-Lee Lohmann: Therapeutic relationship in SLT and psychotherapy through the eyes of children - a scoping review
- Nadja Baune: An international comparison of qualification, tariff and structures in SLT between Germany, Austria and the UK
WS 2019/20
- Julia Meyer: Dialogic reading with children who communicate via gestural cues - interactive composition, aims and suggestions based on an expert interview (2nd assessor)
- Lara Schulte: Subjective theories of experienced SLTs regarding the composition and impact of patient-therapist-relationship in pediatric speech-language intervention (2nd assessor)
- Anja Stadler: Literature review about the use of musical elements in the areas of speech-language enhancement and SLT contexts for children with lexical deficits and migrational background
- Ragna von Behren: Literature review about cognitive advantages of multilingualism and their relevance for SLT treatment
- Anthea Anhuth: The intervention ?Komm!ASS¡° for children with autism - finding interprofessional interfaces for the work of OTs and SLTs
- Theresa Schmitz: Interviews with SLT novices regarding their experiences in the area of trachea cannule management
- Berivan Tutan: Literature review about the enhancement of language input conditions for multilingual children of other language backgrounds
Summer term 2019
- Jennifer Hanke: Multlingualism in the school context - a questionnaire study with teaching staff
- Maren Hillebrand: Evaluation of an intervention for developmental verbal dyspraxia - a single case study
Winter term 2018/19
- Franziska Baudrexl: Apps for supporting pediatric SLT treatment - conceptual ideas in the areas of speech and language disorders
- Janine Buhl: Evaluation of a myofuncitonal treatment approach - survey about possibilities and challanges in the SLT population
- erung eines myofunktionellen Therapiekonzepts ohne mundmotorische ?bungen (SZET)
- Frederike Hackelb?rger: Mapping requirements of dyslexia therapists with abilities of SLTs
- Kathrin Zerbe: Impact of media on pediatric language development - conceptualizsation of an informative flyer for parents of children with DLD
Summer term 2018
- Alisa Hille: Exploration of communication and occupational needs of children with DLD on the basis of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure for kids (COPM a-kids) ¨C an expert survey
- Noemi D?rpinghaus: A single case study of a sequential bilingual 5-year-old using the intervention approach 'Lexicon Pirate'
- Birte Jelen: Documentation in the SLT section of a local rehabilitation clinic for children - identification of needs based on questionnaire and documentation data
Winter term 2017/18
- Katharina Witte: Berufseinstieg als Transition von der Ausbildung in die Anstellung: an online survey of SLT novices, employers and SLT teachers about expectations and SLT competences
- Kerstin R¨¹ngeler: Evaluation of the practical application of the 'Pragmatic Profile' (Dohmen 2009) by SLTs
- Carolin Demuth: Practical experiences of SLTs regarding the diagnostic approach in children with suspected (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder - an interview study
- Melina Brautmeier: A questionnaire study about experiences of early educators with the observation instrument BaSiK
Summer term 2017
- Charline Hubernagel: The use of therapy dogs in SLT treatment of an eight-year-old patient with DLD - a qualitative single case study regarding implementation and outcome (2nd assessor)
- Nele Brune: SLT treatment of teenagers - interviews about their experience with myofunctional therapy
- Henrike Albert: Speech-language difficulties of bilingual children with German as a second language - practical validation of the Alberta Language and Development Questionnaires (ALDeQ) in comparison to 'usual' diagnostic procedures
- Carina Renemann: Resource oriented initial assessment interviewing (IAI) in voice disorders - conceptualization of a manual based on transactional analytic and hypnosystemic considerations (2nd assesor)
Winter term 2016/17
- Kathrin Denter: The influence of psychological models for causation and explanation of behavioral and psychological disorders in children with SLI
- Janina Hermeier: The practical validation of two complementary screening procedures for lay persons and experts in the identification of early stuttering onset in kindergarten children (RedeflussKompass 3.0 and StotterKompass)
Summer term 2016
- Lisa Buschenlange: Diagnostic study for capturing 3- to 4-year-old children in the kindergarten setting - estimates of early educators in comparison to SLT testing
- Marie-Theres Br?ker: The lexical strategy therapy "Lexicon Pirate" - a single case study regarding efficacy of use with a sequential bilingual pre-shcool child
- Annika Frankenfeld: Consultation and treatment options for school-aged children with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder - (C)APD: conceptualization of an informative flyer for parents and teachers
- Klara Meyer zu Ortbergen: Diagnostic possibilities for multilingual children with sematic-lexical disorder - a critical evaluation of existing instruments
Winter term 2015/16
- Lea Poggemann: Using a parental questionnaire for evaluation of language abilities in their 3 to 5-year-old children in comparison to initial SLT diagnostics
- Marielle Sch¨¹tte: The language and educational development of former patients from a rehabilitation centre ¨C a follow-up questionnaire study
- Valerie Meier: Children with mutism - experiences from families after in-patient treatment in a rehabilitation clinic - a follow-up interview study (winner of a Study-Up-Award)
- Anne Miersch und Linda Fuchs: Development of a questionnaire for the systematic collection of contextual factors using the ICF (2nd assessor)
- Jasna Lea Hammann: Survey of ELP studies alumni from 2010-2015 (2nd assessor)
Summer term 2015
- Kerstin Plogmann: Parental training 'Schritte in den Dialog¡® - evaluation of contents, structure and use by SLTs
- Julia Robrecht: Out-patient SLT and support workers - Development and practical validation of cooperative means in two Kindergartens (2nd assessor)
- Sonja Ha?: Subjective sensation of vocal strain in musical singers - outcomes from qualitative interviews (2nd assesor)
Winter term 2014/15
- Mareike Becker: Use and reflection of the bilingual patient profile in the out-patient setting
- Elisabeth de Taillez: Development of a voice-exercise website for the home accompanying SLT treatment (2nd assessor)
- Ann-Christin Gehling: The use of multilingual information materials with parents of other language backgrounds - experiences from SLTs in the out-patient setting
- Johanna G¨¹nther: Psychological theories of motivation in SLT intervention - a theoretic approach focusing on the G?ttinger concept of functional voice disorder treatment (2nd assessor)
- Sabrina Ihmels: SLT intervention in German primary schools - evaluation regarding the implementation of US-American models by SLTs with experience in both contexts (2nd assessor)
- Domenica L??ner: SLT and faith - How does SLTs' spirituality impact on their prrofessional practice? (2nd assessor)
- Natalie Mau: The influence of frequeny in the treatment of apraxia of speech - a single case study (2nd assessor)
- Christiane Schalk: Voice transition in transsexual persons - evaluation of an initial interview approach by a group of transsexual women